Zero Chemistry

With the actors involved, I wanted to enjoy an hour or so of escapism that would entertain me, although I was surprised I'd never heard of the film.
I saw this as " Ruth and Alex". In this offering, Freeman and Keaton offer all of the chemistry of Jello and a blast furnace.
I only watched the whole thing because I hoped it would somehow... improve.
It only got worse.
After watching, I see it's been marketed under a number of different names.

No doubt changed as to protect the identity of the guilty.


I thought that they possessed great chemistry—Freeman and Keaton came across very credibly as a couple that had been married for forty years. Their relationship is not going to constitute the typical "sparks fly" romance that usually comes out of Hollywood.

I really enjoyed the film, but it is too 'European' for broad American tastes, I suppose. Nothing really 'happens,' there is no melodrama, and the actors do not 'flirt' and tear off each other's clothes ...


There was no chemistry. I couldn't even fathom them kissing, let-alone getting into bed. Not believable at all. No matter how bad a movie is, if it's about memories of an older couple, I can usually at least enjoy it for a minute. But this was so unbelievable and downright bad that I felt zero emotion.


I couldn't even fathom them kissing, let-alone getting into bed. Not believable at all.

... because of their age?

Chemistry—especially for a longtime married couple—is not going to be defined by make-out sessions and sex scenes. One could argue that real chemistry is never defined that way.


Well when you're making a 'realistic' movie, a dialog driven movie without a better make sure that the lead actors have an on-screen chemistry. I wasn't feeling it at all. Boring movie. Worse than boring actually, because of the annoying saleslady, and the whole annoying sales process.


The realtor—and the process—were supposed to be frustrating; that was the point.

Personally, I thought that Freeman and Keaton possessed great chemistry, and I know that multiple longtime married people have said their chemistry proved true-to-life. Although the movie was repetitive in places, I found it engrossing and valuable overall.


I can think of several movies about older couples and memories that brought a tear to my eye. Because the movies were good, and the couples had chemistry. This movie was definitely NOT one of them. It didn't bring any emotion whatsoever out of me (except annoyance). Just my opinion; if it worked for you, that's fine. But like I said, I'm usually a sucker for an older couple and memories....but I really disliked this movie.


I'm with Joe...........I thought they had really good chemistry. Very likable characters. I did have some other problems with the story lines.....but I did like the character and the acting.



My reaction also -- did not feel the chemistry was there. They wouldn't even kiss when the situation clearly called for it.

Diane Keaton looked amazingly young in some scenes though, like a thirtysomething.
