MovieChat Forums > 47 Meters Down (2017) Discussion > did not send oxygyen refills because it ...

did not send oxygyen refills because it *might*

result in hallucinations. the victims are running out of air but you held back on oxygen refills because it *might* result in hallucinations while waiting for the rescue? makes absolutely no sense.


At that time, he was under the impression that he could still rescue them before they'd run out of air. Why would you risk possible complication then?

No, you're not wrong, you're just an a$$hole!


because you can't take a chance with oxygen, but you *can* take a chance with hallucinations if warned ahead of time and managed properly (plus i'm curious why switching tanks would cause hallucinations, i must have missed it if he mentioned it). and he waited until the very last second to drop the back-up tank, how irresponsible is that. they managed to switch just in time even as the tank landed near the cage, they went to fetch it right away, and they randomly knew how to switch the tubes pretty quickly (if it was me the first time, i'd need to study it for like a few minutes before i would dare to pull any tubes out for the switch).


I wouldn't overthink this bit tbh. This was actually the part that made me want to know more about Nitrogen Narcosis and its cause.
They obviously took some liberties there.

No, you're not wrong, you're just an a$$hole!


I agree with the original poster. There was no reason not to go ahead and send the extra oxygen tanks ASAP. These girls were in danger of suffocating to death! Nitrogen narcosis in and of itself isn't fatal. It might lead to the girls doing something stupid that might cause their deaths. But "might" versus an absolute certainty of death by suffocation is a no-brainer. The more I think about it, this particular plot point pisses me off.


this is an especially egregious plot hole because the whole story rests on the fact that they were running out of oxygen. the young guy dove down and died needlessly (because they were running out of oxygen), the sister went out of the cage to get the oxygen tank needlessly (because they were running out of oxygen). why the heck would the boatowner have had everyone swimming helplessly around big sharks when they could have bought time with the extra oxygen to begin with and wait for the coast guard.


I would say a hallucination risk is a good reason not to go ahead with sending extra oxygen straight away. Whether it was a wise decision to wait so long, in this particular scenario especially, is indeed debatable.

Then again, the whole Nitrogen Narcosis was a bit of a red herring anyway, since it would occur even without the extra oxygen tanks.

In fact, there are many other flaws in this movie, if you put it under enough scrutiny. :)
However, I wasn't too bothered by them while watching it.

No, you're not wrong, you're just an a$$hole!


But here's the thing, it's not as if they'll use the oxygen unless they have to. Those girls aren't going to stay down any longer than necessary and they need whatever oxygen they can to survive for as long as they're stuck down there. Once the younger sister got radio communication with Taylor that first time, he should have went ahead and dropped the extra tanks and warned them about the narcosis. He has no idea if he'll be able to remain in communication with them.


Good point.
Who can ever know the motivation of this captain to not play it safer.
Perhaps he was overconfident of his ability to rescue them without the need of sacrificing the oxygen tanks?

No, you're not wrong, you're just an a$$hole!


fair response. i had to throw out any expectation of a logical story when they willingly enter the rusty cage on a rickety boat in a remote location with the full trust of a couple of men they had just met.


I just assumed that they didn't drop the Oxygen tanks straight away as untill they had found and re-attached a new rope to the winch, the boat would have had no idea if the cage was still directly below or fell to a different position.


But that's not what Taylor said. He specifically said he didn't drop the extra tanks right away because of the danger of nitrogen narcosis.
