MovieChat Forums > 47 Meters Down (2017) Discussion > HARD to watch! Hold your breath

HARD to watch! Hold your breath

The moment the girls got trapped down with the sharks luring around it was hard to watch for me coz my anxiety levels hit top! I watch tons if horror movies Like Martyrs or Serbian film this is the Only movie that I had to take some breaths by hitting pause! It was really that intense. But as a horror fan I'm going to watch it again n again! Hope they release it at theaters soon coz it IS sooo much better than overrated Shallows which was only OK.


Hard to sit through, I'd say. I found it boring.


Hard to sit through, I'd say. I found it boring.

Boring? Really? Man, did we watch the same movie? I was on the edge of my seat, flat out nervous, and trying to catch my breath like the OP. One scene in particular my son got up and said, "I can't watch much more, I have to take a break", and he stepped out for a few minutes. I'm curious why you found it boring? Were you looking for more shark kills? I think if they would have created more action with more shark attacks, it could have took away from the overall suspense. This was one of the better horror movies I've seen in quite some time.


Agreed. 


Maybe he was distracted by the poor writing, acting and terrible shark CGI?


Whereas Evil Dead had top notch writing, acting and effects (practical or otherwise)

If you think the CGI was terrible then i have no idea what you think is good CGI - especially for an OBVIOUS low budget shark flick

If it was all practical effects - you'd be saying it looked too fake for a 2016 film

some people


If it was all practical effects - you'd be saying it looked too fake for a 2016 film

How strange! lol
How is it you believe you know these things about me?
Some people....

Seriously though, the CGI was poor. It looked decent at first when you see them swimming around the cage but when it attacks them it just looks cartoony n silly.
Deal with it.


Not at all, the only time i thought it was questionable/cartoonish was when Lisa was lighting the final flare near the end and the three sharks were surrounding them

the scene when it dragged Lisa from the hands of one of the guys on the boat was amazingly done - the shark looked as real as it could be

the CGI wasn't Sharknado levels of bad or all of the those other ridiculous SyFY movies that are churned out

It was a great shark thriller - especially considering there hasn't been a great shark thriller for a very long time

If you expect Jaws levels of good - then the joke is on you

It was a decent flick - not the best, and certainly not the worst

It was 10x better than Army of Darkness - which was one of the worst movie experiences of my life


Not at all

Oh really, not at all? Well thanks for informing me and correcting my opinion....

Seriously though, it looked crap to me in most parts...Deal with it.

It was a great shark thriller

This is your opinion and I disagree. I thought it was average.

If you expect Jaws levels of good - then the joke is on you

Why would I have expected Jaws?
Really, why do people assume so much on this ****ing site? lol

It was 10x better than Army of Darkness - which was one of the worst movie experiences of my life

What does Army Of Darkness have to do with this film or anything at all?
You cannot compare an old horror film from the 80's about demons to a new low budget shark movie....I have no idea why you keep mentioning Evil Dead.

For the record, I hated Army of Darkness anyway...


Well your DP is clearly Evil Dead - that's why i brought it up

and secondly - Army of Darkness is a 90s movie


yet there was a great shark thriller, much better than this released this year: The Shallows


Though, I have very limited diving experience, I will say that I too found this movie very intense. I really enjoyed the anxiety and dilemma's that was portrayed in it. Wouldn't mind seeing more movies like these.

No, you're not wrong, you're just an a$$hole!


A bit too dark for me.
Couldn't make out a lot if what was happening.
Made it to the end though.


OP, i am so terrified AND fascinated with sharks and spiders and i love to watch movies/shows/documentaries about them. that being said, some shark films make me so tensed up/stressed that i have to take a break from watching it and go do something else. that happened with this movie! lol. it's very well done. so much so that i had to take a break and come back to the film to finish it up. :)


Seriously, dude. This movie was so uncomfortable to sit through. I was nervous, claustrophobic, and I started getting a headache. It was like everything that could go wrong, WENT WRONG! I probably said, "You have got to be kidding me!" like 4 times! This is was really intense and pleasantly surprised by it. I think it deserves the theatrical release for sure.

I did like The Shallows as well. But I can definitely say I would much rather be in Blake's scenario, than Mandy's scenario. That was just horrible!
