About the droids

I never understood who programmed them to be funny, clumsy and with "personality"?

One droid yelled "Oh My God" before got stumped by Walker. Revenge of the sith also got us few droid jokes
* Anakin and Obi-Wan enter elevator, droids say: "Hands up"
* Anaking haning in the elevator shaft. Two droids say: "Hands up" then after that they got killed by elevator going upward
* Droids in the ship's bridge. One of them: "You're welcome"
there were more about that.

I saw a little of Clone Wars and I don't remember anymore were the droids still funny.

I am a fan of TV crossovers. It connects different shows and puts them into same universe


I never understood WHY they had them be 'funny'.
Well, I know 'why': to make children laugh/comic-relief.
But why would you DO that? Make the bad guys likable sad sacks? Just seems cruel to make kids feel bad about them getting destroyed. ("I made it!" *falls off ramp* "Ahhhhhhh!" *smash!*)
Also, they didn't seem like a real threat at all.
Waaaaaay back in 1980, when ESB came out, I read some little backstory/data on the bounty hunters. It said that IG-88 was a war droid left over from the Clone Wars.
Now imagine an army of those bad@$$es. You come up behind it and its head has 'eyes' back there, its arms just swing down and come up on its 'back', and it starts to roll/walk at you as the 'back' has become the 'front'.
Now those droids would have given the Clone Troopers and even the Jedi a fight.
Oh the glorious battle scenes we could have seen!
But no. A visual spectacle traded for some cheap 'laughs'. smh
Maybe one day someone will be able to 'special cut' the movies inserting IG-88's in place of the comedy droids.
