MovieChat Forums > Star Wars Rebels (2014) Discussion > Rebels + Clone Wars vs. The Empire

Rebels + Clone Wars vs. The Empire

Episode 5 hinted that the Separatist droids may ally with the Rebels against the Empire.

I think the finale of Season 3 can be dealt with battles between the Rebels reinforced by the Separatist fleet vs. Thrawn's Empire fleet. We are going to see massive ship-to-ship battle as we did in Revenge of the Sith and Clone Wars series.

This would be a great ending because we are going to have a proper mix between prequels SW and Original SW. What is missing in the Original is in the Prequels, and the vice versa. Filling those gaps in the Rebels would do proper justice for the whole SW franchise.

So here is my scenario

1) The droid general returns with a handful amount of Separatist fleets and join the Rebels.
2) Empowered with such reinforcement and new (actually old) droid army, the Rebels plan for audacious attack against Thrawn's Empire fleet.
3) Thrawn's Fleet vs. Prequels' Separatist fleet + the Rebels
4) The Rebels got squashed, and Thrawn wins a decisive battle

This will do Thrawn a long waited justice after original EU was scrapped by EP.7


I think your theory is close, & I think you are right on the rebels fleet getting squashed, but you might be wrong that its Thrawn, and slightly off on the timeline.

I always wondered if the Seperatist ships (crusiers) from ep2+ were the same as those of the rebel Alliance from ESB/ROTJ

It might might be worth checking out the latest rebels recon, for a slightly revised timeline to your excellent theory.


Lucasfilm said in the Rebels Recon for S03E05 if the tactical droid joined the Rebels at all it would be after the Rebels blow up the death Star because it would show the Rebels have a chance of winning.

So don't hold your breath for your scenario.


I just checked the Rebels Recon. But things can change. Who knows?


I always wondered what happened to the Trade Federation following the deactivation of the droids in Revenge of the Sith... surely they went back to just invading various blue colored planets due to taxation of trade routes, aye?


I have a sense (a bad feeling?) that, like the banking clan -which was nationalised in s6? of TCW (following the death of Rush Clovis) - that the trade federation was also nationalised, following the death of their leadership on Mustafar.

I remember seeing in an early ep of SWR, that all goods had a tax imposed by the empire, which means that they are likely to control (though not handle) all trade in goods & services.

This is actually quite common in authoritarian regimes.

I think there was also a bit of an explanation in one of the (canon) Darth Vader comic series - the one in a mining colony, set between eps 4 & 5?
