MovieChat Forums > Star Wars Rebels (2014) Discussion > Rebels relying to much on Clone Wars?

Rebels relying to much on Clone Wars?

I find that Rebels relies to much on Clone Wars material, so much so that you'd have to watch Clone Wars in order to under stand what's going on in the second and third seasons. Know I don't dislike all of what their doing. I enjoyed them adding Rex and the clones back in, the Sepratists, and Maul. What I don't like is how the third season uses many locations like Geonosis and soon Mandalore. For the love of God they have to limit the Hondo appearances,he is only good in small doses! I feel that these plots have been discussed already in Clone Wars and other media. My hope is that they will deviate from the Clone Wars material and focus more on original content like last weeks episode.


strongly disagree, that they gave Geonosis a tragic genocide history was brilliant. This gives the impression that the SWU has some living history, we see where things go lead to.

🐾Dictated but not read 🐾


I agree it was a good story. I just want the show to develop its own identity more and make some new and exciting content.


that is true. There should always be a balance between adding history, fan service and own creative identity.

🐾Dictated but not read 🐾


But you need to keep in mind that the Clone Wars was massive on a scale that we really can't comprehend. It was a galaxy-wide event, with battles taking place on hundreds of worlds. There was lots of tragedy, reshaped the very fabric of the political structure of the galaxy, and directly set up the Empire to be able to sweep in and take over, which was half of it's purpose. The other half, having such a massive war on all fronts, was to keep the Jedi too occupied, and to build up the Dark Side with so much fighting and death and mistrust, that even Yoda's Force Vision was clouded. They were hindered from seeing Palpatine right in front of their faces for what he was, and what he was doing, and were blind to all of the Tetris pieces he was carefully putting into place.

The Clone Wars SHOULD be leaned on and referenced, because it was, in this era of SW galactic history, the most significant event. The Empire rising was a symptom of the Clone Wars, but the Wars themselves were the pivotal events that allowed the Empire to happen. Geonosis is relevant because it is where the Separatists truly first began, where most of their droid armies were originally built, and obviously, where the Death Star at least began it's initial stages of construction.

I don't disagree that Hondo is a fairly irrelevant character, but he's funny, and certainly not a bad character. I think that Rebels still very much HAS it's own identity, but it would be incredibly remiss to just ignore what vestiges of the Clone Wars that would still exist.


It should be noted that the Geonosis Genocide is not a Rebels idea, it already featured in early in the 2015 "Darth Vader" comic by Marvel. In fact, it even nullifies the ending of the Rebels' two-parter since we learn there that the Queen raised by Klik-Klak was sterile, went insane and tried using droid foundries to create her own army before Vader shut down the factory and abandonned her there.


Right that's why I feel the genocide is summed up in the comic.


The onscreen stuff always takes precedent over comics, if there is contradiction. We shouldn't be surprised if contradictions happen. This is Disney. They had no problem dismissing the old EU. If they had a press release tomorrow that stated all the new EU under Disney (comics, video game stories, novels) was no longer canon it wouldn't surprise me in the least bit.

"Silly TFA apologists!" = 🙉🙈🙊 


There are no contradiction, since the Darth Vader comic didn't give much detail on how Geonosis was purged or detail the origin of the insane queen. It lines up perfectly with Rebels. I don't know which one was written first (This could have been an episode a long time in the making) but there's no issue.

And the previous EU was so riddled with contradictions it wasn't even funny.


I believe the comic came out in 2015.


Indeed, April 2015, so it was probably written sometime earlier that year.
The first time we saw Geonosis in Rebels was later that year.


Well, I did say if there's a contradiction (as in if they go in a different direction than the comic in a future episode). I didn't say that there was.

"Silly TFA apologists!" = 🙉🙈🙊 


I see, sorry ^^


No problem. Maybe I could've worded it a little better. Do you think we'll see any comic book stories transferred over to the show? If so, what would you vote for?

"Silly TFA apologists!" = 🙉🙈🙊 


I'm checking the list to include comics I haven't read yet but so far it doesn't seem there are a lot set just before ANH. Most are set between ANH and ESB. What could happen is an adaptation of the Kanan comic, both the "Clone Wars" parts and the "Rebels Season 1/2 parts" (Ezra still has his hairs there.)

They could hint at Doctor Cylo (Think that's his name) and his cyborg program to replace Vader. Maybe Doctor Aprah from before she "joins" Vader. Or badass Bounty Hunter Black Krrsantan (Imagine Chewbacca on steroids and with black fur.)


It was a geonocide, hahahahaha.


I find that Rebels relies to much on Clone Wars material, so much so that you'd have to watch Clone Wars in order to under stand what's going on in the second and third seasons. Know I don't dislike all of what their doing. I enjoyed them adding Rex and the clones back in, the Sepratists, and Maul. What I don't like is how the third season uses many locations like Geonosis and soon Mandalore. For the love of God they have to limit the Hondo appearances,he is only good in small doses! I feel that these plots have been discussed already in Clone Wars and other media. My hope is that they will deviate from the Clone Wars material and focus more on original content like last weeks episode.

Star Wars relying on Star Wars continuing one Star Wars story is bad. They should rely on James Bond.


I like it because in a lot of ways Rebels is to The Clone Wars what the original trilogy is to the prequels....only in TV show form.

Meaning we are revisiting characters, settings, and plot elements years later and picking up on them, continuing the legacy a bit.

Also, The Clone Wars wasn't exactly tied up in a nice little bow so having a lot of elements and threads from that show revisited, built upon, and 'concluded' here helps give further resolution.

It also helps create a ton of 'franchise cohesion' to the story, when many in the past complained that the prequels felt too disconnected from the originals.

But The Clone Wars was essentially 'the prequels: The series'....and on Rebels we now have Prequel, Clone Wars, and Original Trilogy elements and characters all inter-mingling and more of the same in Rogue One.


I agree 100% to much clone wars content is needed to understand the show. And Hondo is just god awful he needs to go



I agree 100% to much clone wars content is needed to understand the show. And Hondo is just god awful he needs to go



You do realize it's all part of one universe so it is just natural to exploit the Clone Wars for material, right? Would you rather they do not and piss off another group of fanbase altogether? There's already enough who are convinced Disney management hates the prequel stuff so let's not stoke those fires even worse. Are they doing too much or too little? That's a matter for the fans to fight over. I think they do enough that these characters aren't just window dressing. They have their own stories and concerns that don't involve the Skywalker family. What more can you ask for?

These Star Wars characters are also constrained by canon history in which they are actively taking part of. What if in a few more episodes or seasons, they start relying on the Original films for material? Would you blame them or would you just accept it as the natural order of things? As with all things, it is a matter of execution. Not everyone will be happy with how things fit in. Heck, I'm not so thrilled with anyone surviving a Vader encounter, much less some Jedi remnants, but it is what it is.
