question - spoiler

Regarding how the boy died - wouldn't he have had head injuries and possibly blood on the wall from running into it so hard that might have prompted further investigation/consideration than just "she broke his neck"? Granted there was a witness (unreliable and with a nasty axe to grind though she was) but surely the coroner/police have a duty in such cases to look into things - the fact that he was known for this behaviour might have come out.
Some have wondered how Tilly got to go overseas - I presumed her father sent her after he sent her to school, to get rid of her.


You have to remember it was 1951 and forensics were unheard of especially in outback Victoria. The town's people were so mean because Tilly was illegitimate and they were all scared of her 'father' who ran the town.


plzz tell how was the movie


It's an interesting movie - I haven't read the book so can't comment on that. Its tone moves between comedy and melodrama and it looks good - production design, costumes, cinematography are impressive - and has a fine caat though occasionally some overacting (Barry Otto as the chemist is guilty of this a bit). I've seen it twice and on first viewing found the lurches in tone and a few of the story turns and revelations a bit offputting or hard to take. On second viewing, knowing what to expect, I think I enjoyed it a bit more.


They would still have been able to examine the body and the surrounding area eg the wall and match it up with the witness statement - no fancy forensic science needed. I suspect the illegitimacy of Tilly and the control of her father (who did well in such a small town to keep his secret!) were big factors - he probably packed her off to school quick sticks.


hows the performances.
