MovieChat Forums > The Signal (2014) Discussion > Something You Probably Didn't Pick Up On...

Something You Probably Didn't Pick Up On

The other people there, the truck driver and the crazy woman, they were abducted when they were kids and have been there all this time. I'm not sure if anyone picked up on that or not. Right before they are killed they pretty much reveal it by reverting to themselves. I felt so sad for them.


Yeah I figured that out when Damon visited the truck driver.


Why did they have to be killed though? I thought the woman was a robot going haywire because how she was speaking erratically before she got "terminated".


...the experiment failed... ...they had to be terminated, and the Aliens are incapable of violence which means they resort to using a gun that is only used on earth... ...they are not evil just using a means to terminate their 'initiates', with an object they are familiar with (gun)...!


No, they were humans. The "going haywire" was the result of whatever enhancements they were applying not working properly, probably because it was an earlier version of the process, given their considerably more advanced ages.

What a lovely way to burn...


That's exactly what I was seeing. These people were part of earlier experiments that didn't go the way they expected.

This would be why Damon was so insistent on having the somewhat odd, but in reality, smart discussions with Nic, trying to figure out what the enhancements did to him. Did they affect his psyche, his base intelligence, his other physical well being? Those seemingly ridiculous questions he would ask Nic actually make complete sense.

And I don't know that anything proved they were abducted as children, but more like you said, they were just going nuts. The woman was proof of that. She was losing it, although she was saying some things that I'm sure Nic would realize later made actual sense.

They also may have had the same type of experiments done on them as Haley, which would make them, more or less, unaware that they had been experimented on. Other than the mark on her back, we know nothing of what happened to her, and I don't think she did, either.

Unseen, hidden experiments first, then the outward ones, later. In Nic's case, reparative.

"Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too."


And I don't know that anything proved they were abducted as children

I got that impression when the truck driver talked about his brother being asleep in the other bunk, but he was alone. I suddenly thought he must have been taken as a child from a room he shared with his brother.

Also when his truck is taken, he sits and rocks like a child.

I also got the feeling that fishburne had known him for a long time, and seemed almost fond of him, although like any alien, he doesn't have feelings like we do and killed him without feeling, without malice, just a requirement.

"Uzi like a metal dck in my hand, Magazine like a big testicle gland" - Uzi Lover by Fur Q.


Anything's possible. I bet, and hope, that this movie will be discussed like this for quite some time. I think it's a lot better than the critics thought, though the critics sometimes miss the point of certain films. I bet in the years to come some of their opinions will be revised.

"Well, the world needs ditch diggers, too."


Fishburne did show feeling when he killed the truck driver though, evidenced by how he covered the body and then patted his chest or shoulder in a caring manner.


I agrre. Then he put the goldfish back in the bowl. I dont remember how it got out. Just a misplacement by the architects? Anyways, thought it perhaps was a metaphor to what was happening to the 3. Plucked and put in a fishbowl


bravo and brilliant. I came to the same conclusion when Haley asks Nic if he "can hear" the communicaitons the aliens send her directly through neur implants, preceding the need for memory implants and erasures that cause the faster degeneration of the truckdriver, driven insane in perhaps half the life span of the woman. Haley and Jonah are clearly the replacement catalysts for the ongoing experiments of which Nic was a sucess.
