loved but hated it.

They would've been perfect parents. They really were meant for each other. Especially when he showed up at her moms house to return a book. Good genetics.
Glad Gaby Hoffman turned out to be a sane adult. Hope to see her a lot more


And Gaby had an abortion too!


I mean the actress Gaby Hoffman. The character did have an abortion.


I think that was the point of the movie. Yea, they may have been perfect together but if they had gone through with the pregnancy they would have had an incredibly strained relationship if they had any relationship at all. The end of the movie, to me, is supposed to represent what abortion really means to her: hope. The main character finally has hope that she can have a successful relationship with the first good guy she's been in a relationship with. She may even move on to marriage and a child with him but we don't get to find that out. We're left with the same hope that the character feels at the end of the film.


Very common for couples to get abortions because they aren't financially comfortable.
