MovieChat Forums > Obvious Child (2014) Discussion > This movie is going to be cited as an ex...

This movie is going to be cited as an example for every right-wing nut

job for the next twenty years as an example of how cavalier pro-choice opponents are

And i'm pro choice

it was a bit overboard
my mouth dropped at the jokes she was making about aborting the baby


I'm kind of a moderate pro-choicer (I only think first trimester abortions should be legal), but I didn't see a problem at all.

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Yea, this movie was unfortunate; it only serves to support the myth that most women who get abortions are young and not in relationships (or stable ones) and just have random hookups with strangers.

I'm VERY pro-choice (I have to be after studying philosophic ethics and the sub-field of bioethics in great detail) but, uh, most women who have abortions are married and already have a child(ren) and can't afford another financially or emotionally. Thus when they abort they do themselves, their families and the potential person a huge favor of course.

The only thing good this movie did for the pro-choice movement was not have the abortion clinic pushing her into it like some anti-choicers actually think they do lol. Otherwise it was like a anti-choice propaganda film.


I think it was so refreshing to see, to have an abortion just shown as something that can very
well be a part of everyday life.

The fact that she and Max actually (from what we can assume) continue dating just makes things
better for me. It shows that it is acceptable to have an abortion, even if the father is the most
amazing person out there, even if you love them (like the mothers situation), if either you
are not equipped to raise a child or you simply do no want to.
It's as simple as that.


Plus this film was never going to convince pro-life people. It wasn't intended to either.
