… because it brings into the light the cold and callous mindset behind those who have no problem with the termination of a human life. These people are completely disconnected from society… that they laugh at something that, even if it should be allowed in certain instances, is NEVER a laughing matter!
This should further damage the cause for abortion-on-demand… a cause that is circling the drain in our culture right now thanks to this very flippant attitude.
That's right---just go ahead and demonize any woman who has an abortion---without even looking at the reasons as to why they felt they had to have one in the first place: not being able to afford them for financial reasons; not wanting to bring a child into a possibly abusive situation; not being ready or up to the physical and mental demands of raising a child to begin with, being too young to raise a child; said child was a result of sexual assault (i.e.,rape)a condom possibly breaking (that happens.too) and a whole myriad of reasons (including the mother having to have the abortion for medical reasons---not being able to take the birth to term,things like that.) Those are real reasons why women have abortions, and calling them bull**** names like "murderer" and other things at abortion clincs sure as hell dosen't help them get through the situation at all.
And naturally you haven't seen the movie yet, but you're already an expert on it because the mere mention of the word "abortion" makes you go off. Have a nice day!
The media is proudly proclaiming how much this movie lauds abortion and seeks to normalize the women who do so … the marketing for the film refers to it as the "winning abortion themed rom com you've been waiting for" … I don't need to see this movie to know what it's going to say about abortion anymore than I need to go into a strip club to see if the women inside are naked…
None of your listed reasons (except for the life-saving one at the end) in any way justify taking a life. The character in this movie clearly get pregnant from a one-night stand and then decides "it's not the right time" to have a baby, so the little baby is made to pay the price for her "night of fun." That's called irresponsibility - why does a baby have to die so some selfish twit can have drunk sex?
If the pro-choice movement REALLy wants to try to make gains, they should not do so by using such an ugly character and situation as their role model.
As long as there is an option to carry the child to term and give it out to adoption, then that is the best choice. Otherwise, according to your arguments, if we find a child in a home that is being abused, has an immature parent, was the result of a rape, or just a mistake, there is no reason not to take that child into the backyard, dig a hole, shoot him/her in the brain, and bury him/her … there is no difference … none… none at all.
And studies have shown that up to one third of all women have an 'a-word' at some point in their lives. If it's not a valid option, then why have literally millions of women have them?
Since you love orphans so much, out of curiosity how many children have you adopted?
Here's a "fun" stat for you: most kids given up for adoption don't get adopted and age themselves out of the system. Maybe if "pro-lifers" were more than just talk that wouldn't happen.