but siminel's right - the pro-choice thing is just a hook that ensured financing, publicity, and good reviews. the film's awful. it shows that a white daughter of a Manhattan television exec and a Columbia business school professor (a) doesn't need a job and (b) can get an abortion without consequences.
I suspect that profound insight might be inadvertent, the self-examination of the characters - and for that matter the filmmakers - makes "new girl" look like marion hansel
the difference between donna's uninterrupted toilet humor and larry the cableguy is, frankly, donna's mean. the screenwriters force her friends to tell her tautologies like "the reason you're so amazing is because you're x" where x = so amazing, and it's why the props dept gives them bolano books, and the music supervisor gave them beethoven.
I guess we're all supposed to think donna's a feminist hero because instead of telling the kid's father she's having an abortion, she tells her paying audience of strangers who fall into rapt adoration - after she climbs into mommy's bed, of course. she's bell hooks and eleanor roosevelt and malala all in one. too bad the filmmakers probably have no idea who they are. go girl! don't treat the guy you banged as a human being; treat your abortion as the ultimate selfie. it's too bad because I love slate and they had the chance to make a substantial indie about women's rights instead of infantile narcissism.
oh my bad it's not just white people, you see one black guy for a second, a oomic, he talks about how richard pryor influenced him lol - but I guess if anybody says any of this they're "reactionary" whata load of bs