Judging from the anti-choice commenters clutching their pearls at the sentiments brought up by this film, I'd say the film was a raving success in its objectives. Namely, treating the decision to keep or terminate pregnancy as a real-life decision, outside of hyperbole and religion. Here's hoping for more movies on this subject that do no shy away from this subject.
I loved this movie too, and I also find it refreshing that the woman actually does the abortion. Usually in films, the woman changes her mind and decides to go through with the pregnancy, so I'm glad this film didn't go that route.
I agree. I said the same thing in a different thread. Usually the woman has a change of heart at the end. It was refreshing that they didn't cop-out and go the safe route with this film.
Of course, now you have people screaming that it's propaganda. Of course, if she had kept the child, no one would be screaming that it was pro-life propaganda.
The topic should just not be treated this superficially.
How did they treat it superficially? Was it b/c of the jokes? As a comedian I can tell you Jenny Slate nailed that role. Comedians are constantly making "jokes" like that (self depreciating, using things from their real lives in their act, being immature.....doing anything to get the laugh b/c they need the approval).
I guess I'm just not really sure what you meant by that.
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I really loved the comedy bits. That's not it. But they never discuss "it" before and after. And after it's a happy end, they get together, rom com style. With a twist. She just decides she doesn't want his baby. Whatever you think about that, it's not a trivial thing but they handled it superficially. Why doesn't she want his baby? What would be the problems? Should he have any say in that? We don't see any of that. So the happy ending is a bit of a slap in the face and also strikes me as unrealistic.
She didn't need to discuss it. She knew she was too immature to raise a child. And I wouldn't call that a happy ending. They both seemed pretty sad about the whole ordeal. She even shed a tear during the procedure.
I would say this was more of a realistic ending than a happy one. If that is happy, that is the most unhappy happy ending I've ever seen.
People who have made the decision to terminate understand that ending completely. There are a million ways to conclude that story; this was just one of them.
I don't think it's gutsy at all. Gutsy is looking at the issue at hand from all angles. This movie is just a pro-choice commercial. Discussion? There was no discussion in this movie.
And abortion as the back drop for comedy? Yeah, that's a no. Nothing about it is funny. It's not funny for the person who's life is being terminated, it's not funny for the woman going through it, and it's not funny for the guy who has to sit back and have no say in it.
Oh, I know what the word means, I was just telling you what I've noticed*. People scream "propaganda" when it goes against what they believe.
MEANING: If the message is in line with one's beliefs they don't seem to think it's propaganda. I doubt you'd be posting here if she had kept the baby.
Feel free to post more definitions of words I'm using correctly.
*(should I post the definition of the word "noticed"?)
Oh, I know what the word means, I was just telling you what I've noticed*. People scream "propaganda" when it goes against what they believe.
It's apparent that you do not, because you keep talking about agreeing and disagreeing. Propaganda has nothing to do with that. Propaganda means: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. This movie was not a discussion, it was a declaration of the beliefs of those involved in it. It served no purpose other to reinforce what those involved already believed.
MEANING: If the message is in line with one's beliefs they don't seem to think it's propaganda. I doubt you'd be posting here if she had kept the baby.
You are having a lot of trouble. I tried to dumb it down for you. I'll try harder.
No one ever accuses something of being "propaganda" when they agree with the message.
If that still doesn't make sense to you, then I don't know what else to tell you. Maybe you should focus on what's being said instead of thinking about what "clever" thing you are going to say next?
That makes absolutely no sense.
You are either being purposely obtuse, or aren't as intelligent as you think you are. I'm sorry it made no sense to you. Perhaps I overestimated your intelligence? For that I apologize. In your response be sure to tell me what propaganda means again. Also, be sure to completely miss my point again.
No one ever accuses something of being "propaganda" when they agree with the message.
Propaganda is propaganda, regardless of what you or I personally think about it. Propaganda is objectively biased. It has nothing to do with your beliefs, my beliefs, or anyone else's.
You are either being purposely obtuse, or aren't as intelligent as you think you are. I'm sorry it made no sense to you. Perhaps I overestimated your intelligence? For that I apologize. Good luck with your pretend movie review site.
Me = out
I don't fail to understand what you are saying, it's what you said is extremely stupid. I wouldn't come to this message board if the main character kept the baby? LOL, what kind of lunacy is that? You're damned right you are out, out of your mind.
You got that right, well said. Dog is out of his feeble little mind. But there's not much for him to lose....think he doesn't much register on IQ tests. So he FLIPS off the world! How comforting if ONLY this were a total petulant & mentally challenged child, but you & I both better know that it's likely this is a sad, troubled, disturbed ADULT loser taking to internet, attempting to find some place in the world. And in a sense, he HAS--- proven to fit in perfect harmony with the LOSER-crowd. But heck, for time being, he sure is fun to laugh at (all without guilt, only pleasure)...which has to be his entire life experience.
People who are blindly dedicated to ideologues usually are.
Yes, how true. Additionally, appreciate the link you forwarded. Just read 6 reviews! Some movies already seen, others I still am considering viewing. So a nice chance to gain insight into both your tastes (the Siskel & Ebert of the sexes)! Each so nicely thought out & written! I must say, how refreshing!
Again, I also love the format of two perspectives. Fact is, we women & men DO tend to see things differently on occasion so I, for one, salute any forum providing further context & perspective! This particular case, how fitting, in regard to movies! Just an avalanche of material playing & slim margin worth heading to theater to see (but alas...I do. Maybe the eternal optimist. And true, I've seen some wonderful films but that's on the rare side.).
I attend a weekly movie discussion class at my library & will be sure to pass on & share your website. All the variable review resources available come in quite handy; you gather a different flavor from each & many times, read things you might've missed watching first time out. Or at minimum, just new ways to look at something, which can only be good to do.
Again so thank you. Very grateful you shared it with the movie-going world. Keep on reviewing!!
I used to be a Democrat (a while ago at this point), but I was always a more conservative one. A lot people I grew up with were like. Democrat, but many Republican tendencies.
As I got older, I became an Independent. I disagree with both sides enough, and agree with both on certain individual issues, that I did not want to be a member of either one.
Additionally, appreciate the link you forwarded. Just read 6 reviews! Some movies already seen, others I still am considering viewing. So a nice chance to gain insight into both your tastes (the Siskel & Ebert of the sexes)! Each so nicely thought out & written! I must say, how refreshing!
Again, I also love the format of two perspectives. Fact is, we women & men DO tend to see things differently on occasion so I, for one, salute any forum providing further context & perspective! This particular case, how fitting, in regard to movies! Just an avalanche of material playing & slim margin worth heading to theater to see (but alas...I do. Maybe the eternal optimist. And true, I've seen some wonderful films but that's on the rare side.).
I attend a weekly movie discussion class at my library & will be sure to pass on & share your website. All the variable review resources available come in quite handy; you gather a different flavor from each & many times, read things you might've missed watching first time out. Or at minimum, just new ways to look at something, which can only be good to do.
Again so thank you. Very grateful you shared it with the movie-going world. Keep on reviewing!!
Wow, thank you. That's very kind - both your thoughts and passing it along to other. We've gotten more good than bad feedback over the years. People seem to like the every day man, and woman, approach. We just say how we feel. No fancy words to make ourselves sound smart, nothing like that. Just two normal people with opinions. I appreciate your response a lot. It's really very nice.
Discussion? There was no discussion in this movie.
Agreed. There wasn't a discussion in the movie because the character had no inner turmoil about her decision. It's about a comedian who decides that an abortion is her only option and how she deals with it. End of story. In other movies (most movies really), the character decides to have the baby and abortion is not an option for them. Period.
This movie just depicts the other option a lot of girls choose in an honest light. I don't see why that's so hard to understand or why it should be considered propaganda, but then again I don't have an agenda as some seem to here. You don't have to agree with her choice, or like the way she handles it, but to say it's propaganda is pushing it a bit.
Thug means never having to say you're sorry.
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It seems like people only ever use the word "propaganda" when they are disagreeing with something. I've never heard anyone in my life say "I agree with that propaganda!".
Like you said, this is just the other side of a complicated issue.
This movie just depicts the other option a lot of girls choose in an honest light. I don't see why that's so hard to understand or why it should be considered propaganda, but then again I don't have an agenda as some seem to here. You don't have to agree with her choice, or like the way she handles it, but to say it's propaganda is pushing it a bit.
1. derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. "he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda"
This movie wanted to say, "This is what I believe" and revel in just that. There was no looking at multiple angles or other points of view. It was there to declare it's beliefs to the world. Pushing it? No, the definition of the word describes this movie to a T.
This movie wanted to say, "This is what I believe" and revel in just that. There was no looking at multiple angles or other points of view. It was there to declare it's beliefs to the world. Pushing it? No, the definition of the word describes this movie to a T.
I don't know why you keep posting the definition of propaganda. Here's the definition of propaganda film:
"A propaganda film is a film that involves some form of propaganda. Propaganda films may be packaged in numerous ways, but are most often documentary-style productions or fictional screenplays, that are produced to convince the viewer of a specific political point or influence the opinions or behavior of the viewer, often by providing subjective content that may be deliberately misleading."
I fail to see how this movie adheres to any of this. Of what was it trying to convince the viewer? How did it come off as trying to convince anyone that abortion is the best solution to an unwanted pregnancy? How was it misleading exactly? Did it glamorize abortion? And while we're at it, should movies like Juno, Knocked Up, Waitress, For Keeps, Look Who's Talking (ha!), Baby Mama, The Back-up Plan or What to Expect When You're Expecting to name only a few be considered pro-life propaganda when they all seemingly glamorize pregnancy and parenthood and don't mention the other? (All movies I enjoyed, btw, except the last two, because... obviously!)
Also don't understand why it should have looked at multiple angles and viewpoints. First off, the other viewpoint has been done to death (see the few examples listed above). Secondly, the character wasn't conflicted, which is what is generally needed in order to open up a discussion. She knew right away she wasn't having that child. Had she been tormented about her difficult choice, then the movie would have gone there.
But I think that's what bugs certain people the most: her lack of conflict. She didn't want to have the baby. End of story.
Thug means never having to say you're sorry.
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But I think that's what bugs certain people the most: her lack of conflict. She didn't want to have the baby. End of story.
Isn't that a part of the 'message' of the movie itself? Just because the character shows no much regret about these topics, must the viewer have the same feeling, the same reaction?
You can watch any movie, and come to completely different conclusions. It refreshing to see another possible reaction to this life changing decision, and some people can understand, and some others are seriously puzzled about it.
No situation is the same. Not everybody over analyses everything. Other have hard life changing breakups with drama, drugs and crying - others just take some days of at the beach.
Isn't that a part of the 'message' of the movie itself? Just because the character shows no much regret about these topics, must the viewer have the same feeling, the same reaction?
I don't know if that's the message or not, or if indeed there is a message per se. Also, don't confuse "conflict" with "regret". We don't see if the character feels any regret after her abortion because that's when the movie pretty much ends. We do however see that she is sure about her decision and doesn't have to mull it over.
Agreed that the movie is refreshing in its non-judgmental approach. Though it leaves room for others to pass their own judgment. :)
Thug means never having to say you're sorry.
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I don't know why you keep posting the definition of propaganda. Here's the definition of propaganda film:
Excellent post, hellfire. I can see why kauto ignored it.
First off, the other viewpoint has been done to death (see the few examples listed above).
Yep, any movie where there are kids is a movie where they kept it. I don't see him screaming about that being propaganda (which was the point I was trying to make to him, but he was too obtuse to see it).
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I really just took it as a slice of life movie, not one trying to say anything about abortion. From that perspective I enjoyed it. I thought Jenny Slate gave a good performance.
I appreciated the honest outcome (I was really afraid they she was going to call it off in the clinic, which would have just been a stupid Juno-esq cliche). The very end was a little corny, but I don't know what a better way would have been really.
I agree. Also, the ending made sense with the rest of the movie. It's never a joyous occasion per se, but her fears, confusion, discomfort, and all the other emotions involved seem to align with the storyline of a struggling comedian who was not equipped for a life-altering change like that. I also think the way the guy reacted (who played her date) makes sense too showing that not all men would run for the hills. Instead, they both handled it maturely in the end and revealed touching and funny moments in what is regarded as a sad and difficult decision.
It's about time we stopped centering the anti-choicer's emotions and stopped over-considering their position(s) (as we've been doing) when discussing women's health services, which include abortion. No more apologies; I'm over it. It's time to listen to the pro-choice narrative and to everyday women who want to speak about their decision to terminate.
I was surprised that she went through with it, and the guy didn't try to talk her out of it. Unusual for a movie. Having been in that situation myself (unlike most of the people on here with their sphincters in a bunch), I was impressed with that decision on the part of the film's makers. If you haven't been there, you really have nothing valid to say.