MovieChat Forums > Obvious Child (2014) Discussion > propaganda, pure & simple.

propaganda, pure & simple.

before I get stoned-- as I'm sure is coming --first let me say I'm not this adamant pro-life. Not that it matters here but the reality is I am totally torn on the issue of abortion! I do not believe it to be right.
It clearly, at minimum, is a very selfish decision (there's adoption folks, leave the baby LIVING) & no matter what you argue even SCIENCE proves you are ending a life...still THAT said, WHO makes the decision to kill it or not is probably best left to the person who (at this stage of things anyway) kinda OWNS it.

So I'll leave that to the person to wrestle with. I'm not God, I don't judge anyone...I'll leave that to Him & where it belongs (between them & God, IF they believe in such. I'm not going to enter into areas I do NOT belong, even if others feel differently).

That said, this is the WORST piece of CLEAR agenda I've ever sat through.

YOU have nothing but irresponsible & seriously SELFISH characters I hated to listening to. I kept waiting but not ONE word funny considering this features struggling comedienne that's featured here!... just whining on & ON but worse, the material is totally suggesting---NO, they are STATING..... that having an abortion is "NO big deal"!!

IF you missed that moral (yeah, being sarcastic here) to the story, you were NOT paying attn.

Well not having had one, I KNOW MANY who have & trust me, it IS a big deal.
So much so that it often leaves one plagued much of their life, sometimes in guilt.

So NOT here in this film? OK well that's fine (well it's not but for sake of argument)...
But let's call it for EXACTLY what this repulsive film is....abortion propaganda, period.

So gals will at least THINK..."hey doesn't hurt, everyone's fine by this choice & in the end, it's NOTHING!!"

Well you know what, you might be surprised.
Many find this "nothing" SOMETHING staggering afterward.

I know I'm AWFULLY glad I never had to face such dilemma. Still....I KNOW this, if I did, I'd provide it more thoughtful consideration & respect than any idiot speaking in this horrid film did (yeah, let's throw in her SATS to also try to assert "smart women have abortions too", also, to me, highly debatable!! Pretty dumb to suffer unwanted pregnancy at her age).

It's woefully & disgracefully ignorant of ALL of the facts & worse, I truly believe this (as a middle-age female!) INSULTING & offensive to women!!
At least I can proudly admit I know I deserve FAR more credit for being smarter, more sensitive, caring & generally above ALL these caricatures! I'd not be able to escape them FAST enough.


Question: do you consider movies like "For Keeps?" or "Juno" or "Saved!" to be propaganda for teen pregnancies? Or "What to Expect When You're Expecting" to be propaganda for pregnancy?

Just curious...

Thug means never having to say you're sorry.


Of the 3 movies, only saw Juno so can't size up the others.

Honestly, can't say I find an agenda in Juno.
I found it just a story. I don't feel it glamorized or promoted kids to go out & get pregnant & adopt their kid out.
Hey maybe I'm wrong but I missed that. I don't believe anyone thinks that to be a fun thing to do or enticing. Then again, maybe I'm not best one to ask being beyond that target audience (though I DO recall that age, not senile yet).

I believe propaganda ranges are extensive. It clearly can be obvious where they are knocking you OVER the head or barely noticeable--maybe subliminal.
For example, as much as I have laughed, been entertained (or almost always tend to agree with Michael Moore's documentaries) I think they each & every one reveal such. In fact, Sicko is one his detractors can MOST hold up (well again, they all are I guess) as a one-sided depiction of what's actually a very complex & involved issue.
Just because I tend to be of his mindset doesn't mean I can't be objective & know what his aim is. And for anyone who passionately lambastes him or gets irate, they are free to express it loudly, boldly & vociferously. I have no problem with that. It's great if one can not only hold to their values, commitments but express them well. I invite & enjoy such discourse & in fact, love a great debate (if worth discussion).
I would never suggest his work is anything short of slanted.

And yes, it's his right as it's every filmmaker's, to present WHATEVER they want & depict it to their particular aim, through their lens.
You can watch or turn off.
You can comment or stay silent.
Do whatever you care to as your response (as long as you don't hurt anyone!)

One thing I've never done is try to assert matter wasn't what I think is obvious to everyone it is. Not even here. I am just saying what I find to be fact.

But of course yes, this film also has a right to express a story they want to tell. I think to suggest it's one of ONLY a few to promote choice or abortion is not quite accurate but not worth debating. At least I know I've seen more than my fair share where I am not quite one in thought with the filmmaker, So what? Just is what it is.
Fortunately this is America where that is allowed, actually promoted, and I for one am VERY glad that's our right & freedom.

I am just saying again, I thought this was propaganda. I will hold to my opinion there & feel I can defend it. Naturally others are free to judge it otherwise (or be with me on this) for themselves.

I really don't have a coronary over this like suggested in second post, but it's OK if one finds I do, to each their own.
Honestly, I find it amusing for one to think I do, if they knew me, they would understand why that is. I allow others to their thoughts & positions. Thank God we're all different in that arena.
And seriously, I'm pretty tolerant by nature, starred LONG ago on my University debate team (as much as "starred" reeks of arrogance & immodesty---qualities I am not--it just happens to be true so thought I'd mention. Nothing really brag-worthy as preparation is what's MOST required & I'm NOTHING if not emotional, passionate & prepared. Achievement-oriented qualities for any highly charged "discussion". OH and let's not forget the MOST important asset, being able to listen to others & in the end, find out EXACTLY what they are not only saying but respect what's in there to respect).

Before being slammed for seguing, yes I am quite aware I strayed somewhat off topic but suppose in the end, I find it all interrelated.

I commented to begin with as I found the HUMOR not funny (worst offense for a comedy)& in bad taste. That is all really. So I thought I'd share my observation & knew there would be plenty of dissent. That's fine by me.


We have plenty of movies where abortion is treated as a tramatic life event or the "wrong" decision (see: Juno) and here we finally have ONE movie where a woman says yes to her life an naw to self sacrifice and parenthood and a bunch of people loose their S**t.


Of the 3 movies, only saw Juno so can't size up the others.

Honestly, can't say I find an agenda in Juno.
I found it just a story. I don't feel it glamorized or promoted kids to go out & get pregnant & adopt their kid out.
Hey maybe I'm wrong but I missed that. I don't believe anyone thinks that to be a fun thing to do or enticing. Then again, maybe I'm not best one to ask being beyond that target audience (though I DO recall that age, not senile yet).

I believe propaganda ranges are extensive. It clearly can be obvious where they are knocking you OVER the head or barely noticeable--maybe subliminal.
For example, as much as I have laughed, been entertained (or almost always tend to agree with Michael Moore's documentaries) I think they each & every one reveal such. In fact, Sicko is one his detractors can MOST hold up (well again, they all are I guess) as a one-sided depiction of what's actually a very complex & involved issue.
Just because I tend to be of his mindset doesn't mean I can't be objective & know what his aim is. And for anyone who passionately lambastes him or gets irate, they are free to express it loudly, boldly & vociferously. I have no problem with that. It's great if one can not only hold to their values, commitments but express them well. I invite & enjoy such discourse & in fact, love a great debate (if worth discussion).
I would never suggest his work is anything short of slanted.

And yes, it's his right as its every filmmaker's, to present WHATEVER they want & depict it to their particular aim, through their lens.
You can watch or turn off.
You can comment or stay silent.
Do whatever you care to as your response (as long as you don't hurt anyone!)

One thing I've never done is try to assert matter wasn't what I think is obvious to everyone it is. Not even here. I am just saying what I find to be fact.

But of course yes, this film also has a right to express a story they want to tell. I think to suggest it's one of ONLY a few to promote choice or abortion is not quite accurate but not worth debating. At least I know I've seen more than my fair share where I am not quite one in thought with the filmmaker, So what? Just is what it is.
Fortunately this is America where that is allowed, actually promoted, and I for one am VERY glad that's our right & freedom.

I am just saying again, I thought this was propaganda. I will hold to my opinion there & feel I can defend it. Naturally others are free to judge it otherwise (or be with me on this) for themselves.

I really don't have a coronary over this like suggested in second post, but it's OK if one finds I do, to each their own.
Honestly, I find it amusing for one to think I do; if they knew me, they would understand why that is. I allow & leave others to their thoughts & positions. Thank God we're all different in that arena.
How boring otherwise.
And seriously, I'm pretty tolerant by nature, starred LONG ago on my university debate team (as much as "starred" reeks of arrogance & immodesty---qualities I am not--it just happens to be true so thought I'd mention. Nothing really
brag-worthy as preparation is what's MOST required for notable winning record & I'm NOTHING if not emotional, passionate & academically well prepared. Achievement-oriented qualities for any highly charged "discussion". OH and let's not forget the MOST important asset---for success in almost every part of life-- being able to listen to others & in the end, find out EXACTLY what they are not only saying but respect what's in there to respect).

Before being slammed for seguing, yes I am quite aware I strayed somewhat off topic but suppose, in the end, I find it all interrelated.

I commented to begin with as I found the HUMOR not funny (worst offense for a comedy)& in bad taste. That is all really. And leading, in case others might feel the same or different.
So I thought I'd share my observation & knew there would be plenty of dissent. That's fine by me. I'll always say "bring it on" & not encourage discourse to be combative but to challenge & invite further introspection. Healthy for all us to do so.


Agreed, melissaped523.

There are so many movies about motherhood and pregnancy and it's magical transformative powers where the characters forgo abortions even though their child was conceived in less than desirable conditions ("Juno" as we've mentioned, "Blue Valentine", "Knocked Up", "Waitress" to name a few, though the list could continue endlessly) and yet I've yet to see a thread claiming these films are propaganda when they very well could be considered as such. (In these films the decision to have the child despite the conditions always ends well, the characters fall in love, big happy ending for all.... well maybe not in Blue Valentine. :p)

This movie happens to show the other side. Just because she was confident in her choice doesn't mean she was flippant about it either (the actual abortion scene shows this). Sometimes having a child just isn't the right choice for a person. (Notice that while her one night stand was shocked to learn about the pregnancy in her cringe worthy onstage confession, he doesn't exactly tell her to not go through with it either. Nor does he seem all that broken up about the whole thing. Funny how no one is mentioning this.) I think it's refreshing to see that side for once.

So, no, don't see how this is propaganda, but you're entitled to your opinion. :)

Thug means never having to say you're sorry.


before I get stoned-- as I'm sure is coming --first let me say I'm not this adamant pro-life. Not that it matters here but the reality is I am totally torn on the issue of abortion! I do not believe it to be right.

Doesn't sound like you are torn on it at all. Sounds like you know exactly how you feel about it. So why did you even bothering pretending to be "torn"? Have you fooled yourself into thinking you have an open mind?

propaganda pure and simple

So are all the movies where the women do end up having the babies propaganda for pro-life?

Or is propaganda just limited to movies you disagree with?


You are free to whatever conclusions you come to.
If you feel they are, then to you, they are.

I see it more as a natural conclusion, natural order. of one getting pregnant (a baby follow unless measures are taken otherwise, or there's a stillborn or whatever).

I don't see all movies where abortion takes place as "propaganda" (I happen to see many, maybe due to seeing many foreign or indie films).
The reason I was so bold as to assert it here had more to do be the tonality & message, not JUST the subject matter.

I don't think there's disputing the scene where she is told "nah, doesn't hurt" by her friend to potentially impact (hypothetical but CAN happens, movies DO impact some!) other young girls who may be playing russian roulette with their bodies than take responsible precautions sexually (who can then say...well at least if it DOES happen, it might not be big deal--or PAINFUL--for me to manage).

I dunno that's a stretch to assert, that movies present material to communicate a viewpoint. At least if integrating an important matter, certainly one with its particular controversy.

But that's the long answer, sorry.

In short order, if you feel ALL depiction (whatever choice one makes facing a decision) is laden or had hint of propaganda, then it's for that individual to decide. I just happen to see it here. I realized some would, others wouldn't. I'm sure the writer wants to reinforce, at minimum, the choice that is left to each & every female. As is their right to do so.
It simply is my opinion & what I observe.
It's not a rare occasion that we all see different things in the same work presented to us.


You are free to whatever conclusions you come to.
If you feel they are, then to you, they are.

So propaganda is subjective?

If that is the case, then why bother starting a thread saying it is propaganda? Why not just make a thread saying you didn't enjoy the film b/c it went against your personal beliefs? (instead of acting like it's propaganda being forced down your throat)


of course ones opinion of what QUALIFIES as propaganda --or is not --IS subjective.

Just ASK anyone in favor or NOT in favor of Roger Moore. One side--his detractors-- will adamantly argue that is all he serves up while his ardent supporters feel quite passionately otherwise.

So your first line makes your last paragraph baffling.
And totally illogical.

Again, I can call whatever I BELIEVE to be propaganda JUST that.
WHY would I NOT start a thread if that's my take on it?
YOU can think it's not. That's fine. I have no problem if you disagree.

Lastly apparently you do NOT know the true nature of "propaganda" as it is most often NOT FORCED down ones throat.
I think perhaps the only example or (weak!)argument to be made --when it MIGHT qualify as being "shoveled on"-- was during WWII in Germany & what they were zealously shown before (or even subject of) their films.
Still...did THEY HAVE to watch & attend? I absolutely DO NOT think so; could've marched out of there. I don't think they were forced into buying tickets, seated at the theaters & strapped down.

So please...don't even TRY to suggest I am "acting like it's propaganda being forced on me"---I don't appreciate words being put into my mouth.


So your first line makes your last paragraph baffling.
And totally illogical.

lol, you're the reason the last paragraph IS baffling! I'm applying your logic to the situation.

Thank you for proving my point for me.


Sorry you're so easy baffled,
Maybe you can get some help for that.

Only thing you prove is what you are easily confused. So yep, you're very welcome, Dog. Take your insults elsewhere.


Take your insults elsewhere.

I didn't realize taking someone's logic and using it against them was the same as "insulting" them.

My sincerest apologies. I wasn't trying to offend you. I was just trying to show you how incredibly stupid your point of view was. 🐵


Sorry you're so easy baffled,
Maybe you can get some help for that.

Only thing you prove is what you are easily confused. So yep, you're very welcome, Dog. Take your insults elsewhere.




You're more than welcome to your own opinion, I'm not going to debate you.

This isn't aimed just towards you, but I wish people would stop throwing out adoption as though it's a perfect solution for an unwanted pregnancy. I'm not saying it's not a good option, but it also has ramifications that affect both mother and baby that should be taken into consideration when weighing your options.

This is your life, and it is ending one minute at a time


I agree with you. Just the fact that there are way more orphans than families looking to adopt is proof that that option is not all rainbows and sunshine.

It's just an unfortunate situation where there is no clear right answer. I wish we could all stop arguing about it. I don't think one person has ever been swayed to change their opinion on this matter by arguing about it.


I agree with both of you above & I, in no way, was trying to oversimplify a complicated, complex matter. Just trying to shed insight I suppose.

I know a couple friends who have adopted & believe me, even on that end, doesn't always go so well or smoothly (often fetal-alcohol or drug-babies or other serious lifelong complications that require FAR more care than raising or having a healthy, average baby on your own).

NO easy answers, I get that.

Not that it's that relevant, but I don't honestly know I believe there are more orphans than families seeking to adopt --I find that assertion totally suspect. Ask anyone trying to adopt here in US!!
...I think the reality is MORE that most seeking to adopt here in the US don't want to expand horizons (for instance...consider OUTSIDE of their country where there ARE, in fact, orphans. Say China, for instance!).
The reality is we don't have "orphanages" per se in the US anymore. We have a different system in place (foster care).
MANY years ago, my husband --and siblings--were placed in an orphanage (deceased parents at a young age & no one to step in, this was early 60's!) so I'm well acquainted with the system. He was amazingly lucky to have a wonderful institution where they flourished & each one highly professional today.

Also, let's be honest, the disabled babies & children are not desirable candidates for adoption, adopting-parents are not seeking them out (which is sad but no one can stand in judgment & tell others what they should or should not do or take on. That would be insane to think one has such right!)

All & all, a complicated moral issue, period.
AND yes, in the end, you are very right, probably one best not broached at all since no one is likely to move their needle from their original position. Just gets everyone upset, heavy handed, indignant & often sadly, ends in insults.


Not that it's that relevant, but I don't honestly know I believe there are more orphans than families seeking to adopt - I find that assertion totally suspect. Ask anyone trying to adopt here in US!!

Not sure why you slanted the argument to only include US orphans, but sure, I'll bite. Here are the most recent numbers I could find. There are about 123,000 orphans in the US.

Here's some worldwide numbers..

Pretty sad, huh?

The reality is we don't have "orphanages" per se in the US anymore. We have a different system in place (foster care).

Orphanages, group homes, foster care, whatever you want to call it, there are still more orphans than families seeking to adopt. Proof? We still have orphanages, group homes, and foster care.

my husband --and siblings--were placed in an orphanage so I'm well acquainted with the system.

Eh, my wife is a doctor, but that doesn't mean I can practice medicine. Plus, you say that was the 1960s. It's 2015. That's 55 years ago. Plus, you are hearing it second hand from someone that lived through it 50+ years ago. That hardly makes you an expert. And if you truly did know the system you wouldn't be saying there are more couples trying to adopt than there are orphans (in the US).

AND yes, in the end, you are very right, probably one best not broached at all since no one is likely to move their needle from their original position. Just gets everyone upset, heavy handed, indignant & often sadly, ends in insults.

I agree 100%! 🐒


Sorry to say you're wrong as are your stats.
Back to class for you.

I am not bothering to copy what you wrote to rebut it (in the fashion you did above) because I know you will simply respond & throw out more mistaken stats.
You do know not all sources of information are equal & correct, do you not?

Do you really believe everything you read online or in papers? How unfortunate for you. One must be responsible to gather accurate & reliable information relating to all issues, particularly those they care to indulge & discuss.

And yes, I know about adoption, foster care, orphanages & child welfare well. I have to speculate, much better than you do (so it appears from your response).
I was simply trying to be polite & generous to you. And avoid further discourse than gains nothing but wastes time.

So happens I work in a very related field & am professional with two advanced degrees. Graduated Summa cum laude & work hard to be on top of things.
I hold both academic as well as world experience.

So feel free to question me all you like but it won't alter reality that I know more than you give me credit for (and I'm confident ever will).

Again, I'm certain it will all be discounted by you so no point in engaging in futile discourse. We'd just be wasting each other's time. I'm sure you can concede at least that much.

Feel free to believe you are always right. Don't allow new thought but keep your mind closed & your head fully buried in the sand. Doesn't seem an advisable way to manage life but unfortunately, it's yours to do with as you see fit.


So the stats that I found and links (plural!) I provided are just "wrong" b/c they do not support your point of view?

That's a terrible way to argue.

So happens I work in a very related field & am professional with two advanced degrees. Graduated Summa cum laude & work hard to be on top of things.

It's odd that you are playing that card now. I like how it went from you knowing the system b/c of your husband to now you being an expert b/c you work in a "related" field. Did you not work in a "related" field two months ago when you responded to me? I just find it a bit odd that you bring that up now, instead of in your previous post.

And yes, I know about adoption, foster care, orphanages & child welfare well. I have to speculate, much better than you do (so it appears from your response).

Well, it's not coming across in your posts at all.

Feel free to believe you are always right. Don't allow new thought but keep your mind closed & your head fully buried in the sand.

Isn't that what you were doing? 




It's funny that you claim I'm stalking you.

I said the orphan/adoption remark to a poster named LOOKINGFORTHEMAGIC and YOU replied to ME (saying I was wrong). Then I replied to you (with stats). Then you said I was wrong again. And I replied back. That's not stalking. That's called a conversation. Maybe you aren't used to people challenging your uninformed opinions?

That's not how someone with TWO "advanced degrees" should be having a discussion on a topic they claim to know a lot about. You should have mountains of information right at your fingertips to back up your claims since you allegedly work in that field. I'll take your last post as proof that you got your "advance degrees" from Subway University.

Lastly I love how your knowledge of the system changed with each post...

I don't honestly know I believe there are more orphans than families seeking to adopt

You weren't sure if you believed what I was saying was correct.

my husband --and siblings--were placed in an orphanage so I'm well acquainted with the system.

Then I was wrong b/c your husband was an orphan and you had "first hand" knowledge of "the system".

So happens I work in a very related field & am professional with two advanced degrees. Graduated Summa cum laude & work hard to be on top of things.

Then I'm wrong b/c now all of a sudden you work in a "very related" field? Why didn't you lead with that? Oh wait, b/c working at Subway is not a "very related" field.


I would like to agree with shoutingagain, but I will say it differently. I don't know if abortion should be outlawed, but I am personally very much opposed to it. If I got a woman pregnant, and she decided to have an abortion, that would be the end of the relationship. Of course, that is now a moot point, as my wife who I am completely faithful to is 60 and has had a hysterectomy, but I can still put myself in Max's shoes. In the "Making Of" featurette the producers, all women, said that they wanted to make a movie that showed abortion to be perfectly normal and OK, not traumatic- and that is very much a political statement. That means that when Max learns that Donna is going to abort his child, he has no qualms about it, no apparent feelings one way or another, and goes with her to the clinic. To me, at that moment he went from being a nice, likeable guy to being a complete pussy. It struck me as completely false and unrealistic. The producers felt they were making a romantic comedy along the lines of When Harry Met Sally or Sleepless in Seattle, which I found ludicrous, and not only because those were much better movies. The movie had a somewhat sweet ending, but it was obvious to both my wife and I that their relationship was doomed. The movie sucked in many other ways as well, but that is a whole 'nother story.


And you actually did say it better.

I appreciate your information about the extra footage speaking to their obvious agenda with this film.
While I thought it could not be more blatant, others --often those that happen to agree with THE actual side they WANT seen represented--will try to make a case it has no bias.
Ironically, only when material is NOT in alignment with their views, then is they call it propaganda or labeled unfair (maybe even dangerous).
Dunno, but just what I find.
And to me, always funny.

All ---or certainly at least most (personally I think ALL, if not just subliminally)--film & art represents some particular objective & slant.

It's VERY rare you see completely objective material. If such even exists on an issue.
Even history is colored by those telling the story!

I would guess some would argue no exact truth exists in relation to abortion. When that's thoroughly false.
There are, always have been, some solid TRUTHS.

Heck, to this---now very scientific--day when everyone KNOWS better (for one, there are now ultrasounds & such),some people waste time STILL arguing the aspect of when LIFE begins!
Everyone's met them....those that like to toss around "just cells" (that I always say..pls just THINK &follow THAT thread[/i] to its obvious conclusion! ...............IF you believe "just cells", that's fine. OK....then WHAT?
Turns into a BABY at some point, no?

In the end, unless something HAPPENS (purposely or NOT), you can't say "cells" turn into something other than a person-- am I wrong there?

So oh yeah, pls let me know.......when is that then, exactly?

If one wants to state AT BIRTH, then I'd calmly say, that's your prerogative & perspective. Fine.
I don't happen to agree but I am not them; no point in talking about it.
Well I actually probably would NOT be talking about it! 😉

Now, those that, in fact, debate WHO chooses---at least to ME--make a FAR more compelling argument.
Who do I think I AM to tell them what to do?

So I realize initially, I might sound extreme when I am VERY far from that!
Nothing MORE complex & challenging than this issue, perhaps.

Think of all the unwanted & abused life out there as is. I don't have the answer or can promise things will be OK...who can do THAT? If they do, they are dishonest & not trustworthy people. Maybe well-intented but nope...not being 100% honest. Their motive is solely to save lives. At least I sure HOPE so, if not, they are horrible people. Saving a life however, must be a GREAT thing to do. I wouldn't know.

And so, yes, although I could never do this, I also understand when others argue this "life" is in someone elses. Just a IS until it comes out (so argument goes!)....therefore, that THIS person should's their body.
So yeah admittedly, I at least cognitively understand THOSE signs, in the streets & on TV.
I honestly get that part (both sides about WHO chooses debate)... hope most do.
What makes this SO complex & troublesome on a moral level.

It's VERY hard to stand in judgment & tell others what to do & NOT do!
Least it should be for most educated, feeling & insightful persons.

In the end, I often think I can't say it's anyone's place (but between them & their conscience or their GOD...if they believe in one). Then I think we are all our brother's go out try to love, aid & assist each other here on earth. Easy job? Of course NOT!!
And yeah, help each other get to heaven, even those that do NOT believe in one right now. Who knows...maybe someday they will, maybe they'll change their minds. Maybe they also don't KNOW something they should. At least there is NO downside to education, information. Forced? NO, of course not but available? Absolutely!

Still ruminating, and so I move on to the poor baby (who, crazy enough I think goes to heaven anyway so maybe has it better without living & ending up worse off...but is full of potential TOO)...& yep...end up finding it ultimately morally bankrupt & in many cases, reprehensible.
Certainly irresponsible. Just a theme with this decision to begin with.

That's just me. Then yes, when you bring up rape & incest, it's a enormously gray area I dunno WHAT God thinks or why bad things happen at all!
Well heck....I think he values LIFE, I know I'm glad I'm here, but seriously troubling caveat, to put it mildly!

But I'm on tangent again.

The biggest problem that will remain to me with this film is exactly what you wrote, it projects a reality that is (at minimum) unrealistic, but also to me, offensive & ridiculous.
DO NOT make light & encourage women to have abortions. There's NO comedy to be had in this. Beyond dangerous & sick work at play here.

I know many women (of which I happen to be same sex) are brainwashed to believe it's empowering (let's celebrate women & their rights) but females, I see the opposite...totally misogyny!!
let's just not DEAL with some woman's problems, suffering or situation but eradicate (what can't be simply done as movie suggests).

And furthermore, NOTHING is easier for irresponsible men than the access to irresponsible sex with NO consequences on their end! Yes, almost all humanity has lustful thoughts, just the way it goes. Today very easy for action to follow thought. For all people.

I doubt many men feel anything but relieved IF it was lust, sex for sport, casual and/or they don't much--or at all-- care about the pregnant woman! More of that today than years gone by. Certainly due to Pill & abortions. Go ahead & have sex with anyone, you've little to worry about. I know that makes me sound ancient & old fashioned (am neither with regard to most things), it must be said so I don't much care.
You know what...that's a load of crap directed at guys too!
Consider the vernacular....what are YOU, a pussy? Who cares about decency, others, relationships, emotions... just peer talk of "I'd DO/HIT that".."go nail that"!
Sometimes not even HER but THAT...
people please THINK for simple fleeting second how altering ONE word objectifies a person?
What a sadly hedonistic, narcissistic world it is for some.

I certainly find it SO refreshing to know there are many men who are NOT that, have maybe even MORE principles, standards & high expectations of themselves & those in their lives. And often the women around them.
Not easy to pull off or learn in today's climate.

No question about it, that's a wonderful testament to ones character. Sign of strength, confidence & intelligence too. Even if NOT that young anymore, doesn't matter (sure SOME gems are!)...Bravo!! I know I'd NEVER settle for anything less. And I didn't... so lucky me, I got the grand prize.
But no, he & most can't read this much volume or endure repetition. I better get back to task of editing --oh and proofing--soon.
You clarified your thoughts in one tenth the time & effort. So smart & concise? Oh hell yeah, absolutely! 😴


The movie had a somewhat sweet ending, but it was obvious to both my wife and I that their relationship was doomed.

How do you know their relationship was doomed? That's where the movie ended. Unless there is a sequel (which I doubt there would be) we are left to draw our own conclusions.

But you state that their relationship "was doomed" as if it were fact, which it is not. It's just you projecting your feelings onto their relationship and deciding that these crazy kids won't make it.


It is silly to talk about fact when talking about a fictional movie. In the opinion of my wife and I, the fictional relationship depicted in the movie, if it were real, would not survive. But it is not real, so there is no way to prove anything.


It is silly to talk about fact when talking about a fictional movie.

I agree. It was silly of you to do that.

But it is not real, so there is no way to prove anything.

Agree. Which was my initial point.


I can see how this film can be viewed as "propaganda" or promotes pro-choice views, because it definitely does. But I don't feel like this film's core was about Donna's choice to have an abortion. It was more a character-study, coming-of-age story, where Donna isn't brave in her decision to have an abortion, she's brave as a comedian to come to terms with her own life.



Not selfish; if anything it is a favor. Not having to grow in this world.

"After coming into contact with a religious man, I always feel I must wash my hands." - F. Nietzsche


just interloper here.

So let me get this straight.
Sure you'd feel the same about yourself....your Mother could've done you this "FAVOR" & not allowed YOU to grow in this world.

I'm sure you'd be fine with that. Prefered she killed you then?
No? so I assume you then think differently (when it comes to YOU) about the definition of "selfish".

And before you claim you don't care (about being given gift of LIFE)...then why haven't you taken it yourself???
(NO..I'm NOT saying kill yourself but if you don't appreciate "growing in this world" why are you then here?).
Maybe ask that vital question.


I don't care. If I wasn't born I would give a *beep* about not being here in the first place.

"After coming into contact with a religious man, I always feel I must wash my hands." - F. Nietzsche



I got things to add, and one day I'll show it to the whole world. So why don't you shut your *beep* mouth before spreading hatred?

"After coming into contact with a religious man, I always feel I must wash my hands." - F. Nietzsche



I don't care. If I wasn't born I would give a *beep* about not being here in the first place.

Well said. Those tiny cells have no idea they are going to turn into a person. In fact, they have no ideas what so ever. So if it wasn't born it wouldn't know about it anyway.

FYI, try not to get sucked into a "debate" with shoutagain. It's a complete waste of time b/c she tries to pawn herself off as an intellectual, but there's a reason her name is "shouting again". That's how she has discussions. She shouts at you for disagreeing with her. But my favorite part of interacting with her is when she would jump into my conversations with other people and then accuse me of stalking her if I replied to something she said to me. It takes a special kind of crazy to pull that off. 


Oh yeah! Typical anti-choice right wing nutcase XD

"After coming into contact with a religious man, I always feel I must wash my hands." - F. Nietzsche


If you get bored scroll through the first page of this thread. I just re-read some of my interaction with her and it was quite humorous watching her inability to handle a differing viewpoint. She's all over the place. I posted stats that didn't support her viewpoint and she just said they were wrong and I needed to go school to learn a few things.

I also liked how her experience level went from...

I don't honestly know I believe there are more orphans than families seeking to adopt


my husband --and siblings--were placed in an orphanage so I'm well acquainted with the system.


So happens I work in a very related field & am professional with two advanced degrees. Graduated Summa cum laude & work hard to be on top of things.

"So happens" gave me a chuckle b/c it feels like "Oh hey, I almost forgot...I work in this field."

You don't say? 

Funny how she didn't lead with that. Probably b/c it's not true. 


Reading that, for that, made me crack up. Especially due to Summa cum.

"After coming into contact with a religious man, I always feel I must wash my hands." - F. Nietzsche


As a person who apparently has never had to deal with such a dilemma, the OP is a self-righteous, smug, uninformed clown.
