And you actually did say it better.
I appreciate your information about the extra footage speaking to their obvious agenda with this film.
While I thought it could not be more blatant, others --often those that happen to agree with THE actual side they WANT seen represented--will try to make a case it has no bias.
Ironically, only when material is NOT in alignment with their views, then is they call it propaganda or labeled unfair (maybe even dangerous).
Dunno, but just what I find.
And to me, always funny.
All ---or certainly at least most (personally I think ALL, if not just subliminally)--film & art represents some particular objective & slant.
It's VERY rare you see completely objective material. If such even exists on an issue.
Even history is colored by those telling the story!
I would guess some would argue no exact truth exists in relation to abortion. When that's thoroughly false.
There are, always have been, some solid TRUTHS.
Heck, to this---now very scientific--day when everyone KNOWS better (for one, there are now ultrasounds & such),some people waste time STILL arguing the aspect of when LIFE begins!
Everyone's met them....those that like to toss around "just cells" (that I always say..pls just THINK &follow THAT thread[/i] to its obvious conclusion! ...............IF you believe "just cells", that's fine. OK....then WHAT?
Turns into a BABY at some point, no?
In the end, unless something HAPPENS (purposely or NOT), you can't say "cells" turn into something other than a person-- am I wrong there?
So oh yeah, pls let me know.......when is that then, exactly?
If one wants to state AT BIRTH, then I'd calmly say, that's your prerogative & perspective. Fine.
I don't happen to agree but I am not them; no point in talking about it.
Well I actually probably would NOT be talking about it! 😉
Now, those that, in fact, debate WHO chooses---at least to ME--make a FAR more compelling argument.
Who do I think I AM to tell them what to do?
So I realize initially, I might sound extreme when I am VERY far from that!
Nothing MORE complex & challenging than this issue, perhaps.
Think of all the unwanted & abused life out there as is. I don't have the answer or can promise things will be OK...who can do THAT? If they do, they are dishonest & not trustworthy people. Maybe well-intented but nope...not being 100% honest. Their motive is solely to save lives. At least I sure HOPE so, if not, they are horrible people. Saving a life however, must be a GREAT thing to do. I wouldn't know.
And so, yes, although I could never do this, I also understand when others argue this "life" is in someone elses. Just a IS until it comes out (so argument goes!)....therefore, that THIS person should's their body.
So yeah admittedly, I at least cognitively understand THOSE signs, in the streets & on TV.
I honestly get that part (both sides about WHO chooses debate)... hope most do.
What makes this SO complex & troublesome on a moral level.
It's VERY hard to stand in judgment & tell others what to do & NOT do!
Least it should be for most educated, feeling & insightful persons.
In the end, I often think I can't say it's anyone's place (but between them & their conscience or their GOD...if they believe in one). Then I think we are all our brother's go out try to love, aid & assist each other here on earth. Easy job? Of course NOT!!
And yeah, help each other get to heaven, even those that do NOT believe in one right now. Who knows...maybe someday they will, maybe they'll change their minds. Maybe they also don't KNOW something they should. At least there is NO downside to education, information. Forced? NO, of course not but available? Absolutely!
Still ruminating, and so I move on to the poor baby (who, crazy enough I think goes to heaven anyway so maybe has it better without living & ending up worse off...but is full of potential TOO)...& yep...end up finding it ultimately morally bankrupt & in many cases, reprehensible.
Certainly irresponsible. Just a theme with this decision to begin with.
That's just me. Then yes, when you bring up rape & incest, it's a enormously gray area I dunno WHAT God thinks or why bad things happen at all!
Well heck....I think he values LIFE, I know I'm glad I'm here, but seriously troubling caveat, to put it mildly!
But I'm on tangent again.
The biggest problem that will remain to me with this film is exactly what you wrote, it projects a reality that is (at minimum) unrealistic, but also to me, offensive & ridiculous.
DO NOT make light & encourage women to have abortions. There's NO comedy to be had in this. Beyond dangerous & sick work at play here.
I know many women (of which I happen to be same sex) are brainwashed to believe it's empowering (let's celebrate women & their rights) but females, I see the opposite...totally misogyny!!
let's just not DEAL with some woman's problems, suffering or situation but eradicate (what can't be simply done as movie suggests).
And furthermore, NOTHING is easier for irresponsible men than the access to irresponsible sex with NO consequences on their end! Yes, almost all humanity has lustful thoughts, just the way it goes. Today very easy for action to follow thought. For all people.
I doubt many men feel anything but relieved IF it was lust, sex for sport, casual and/or they don't much--or at all-- care about the pregnant woman! More of that today than years gone by. Certainly due to Pill & abortions. Go ahead & have sex with anyone, you've little to worry about. I know that makes me sound ancient & old fashioned (am neither with regard to most things), it must be said so I don't much care.
You know what...that's a load of crap directed at guys too!
Consider the vernacular....what are YOU, a pussy? Who cares about decency, others, relationships, emotions... just peer talk of "I'd DO/HIT that".."go nail that"!
Sometimes not even HER but THAT...
people please THINK for simple fleeting second how altering ONE word objectifies a person?
What a sadly hedonistic, narcissistic world it is for some.
I certainly find it SO refreshing to know there are many men who are NOT that, have maybe even MORE principles, standards & high expectations of themselves & those in their lives. And often the women around them.
Not easy to pull off or learn in today's climate.
No question about it, that's a wonderful testament to ones character. Sign of strength, confidence & intelligence too. Even if NOT that young anymore, doesn't matter (sure SOME gems are!)...Bravo!! I know I'd NEVER settle for anything less. And I didn't... so lucky me, I got the grand prize.
But no, he & most can't read this much volume or endure repetition. I better get back to task of editing --oh and proofing--soon.
You clarified your thoughts in one tenth the time & effort. So smart & concise? Oh hell yeah, absolutely! 😴