Abortion! It's Fantastic!
This film's message is repugnant. The filmmakers should be ashamed.
Jeffrey Lee Hollis
This film's message is repugnant. The filmmakers should be ashamed.
Jeffrey Lee Hollis
I think you purposely misconstruing the film's message is far more repugnant.
If this was the message you took away from the film then it would be safe to assume you have not seen the movie.
I have seen the movie and it shamelessly promotes the use of abortion as a convenience.
Jeffrey Lee Hollis
I've seen the movie and no it doesn't.
So if she had kept the baby would you be saying they shamelessly promoted keeping the baby? Oh wait I forgot, it's only "propaganda" if you disagree with it.
I have seen the movie and it shamelessly promotes the use of abortion as a convenience.
I can't tell whether you're being tongue-in-cheek or serious. I HOPE you're being tongue-in-cheek! If you're serious, I can only say that I'm sorry about whatever made you so pessimistic, and I hope you'll soon have more happiness.
shareYeah I felt similarly. Their choices make sense rationally but it feels really wrong. Like "I don't want to see this *beep*
Posted a few more thoughts here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2910274/board/nest/244861160
Their choices make sense rationally...
...but it feels really wrong.
Yep :) Pro-life until you are born! Then you can go to hell :D
And there are plenty of rational reasons to oppose abortions (e.g. larger tax base haha) and rational things you could do to reduce abortions (sex ed, healthcare, access to contraception). I wish the movie had touched upon these things.
Troublingly, the people who usually oppose abortion are the same people who oppose sex education, and the people who are pro-choice are pro sex education.
What if a squirrel wants a sausage?
They are also the same people that want to cut funding for programs that help the children once they are born.
They love fetuses, but they hate babies.
I don't really go around judging other people for their choices, but I really disliked the part where she joked about the abortion, when she said she was going to "kill it" and then laughed.
I really felt quite distressed at not receiving an invitation - Maleficent
You are completely right! It hides a sick misanthropic message.
shareIf you look up the 'trivia' section on this flick, it reveals that Planned Parenthood had a hand in it's conception (so to speak), and production. What can we can infer from this? That it's 'message' (if there is one) is that people deserve reproductive freedom - including keeping abortion legal.
sharei am pro-choice but i admit that i found some of the humor hard to watch. the thing is that she is a comedian so humor is her coping mechanism. i don't think that she was making light of the situation. she was just trying to survive.
shareComedians are not "normal" people. It really is how they cope with things. Being on stage is like therapy. I don't know if the pro-lifers were purposely being obtuse or just completely missed the point organically. But I certainly didn't feel like she was making light of her situation at all.
Then again, I don't go bat $#*T crazy whenever someone has a different political view. So yeah, there's that.
That's not the films message. The film doesn't really have a message. It's just a dreary slog through a few months in the life of a pathetic loser of a woman who does not experience any personal growth. It's watchable, but really pointless.