It seems that many of the homes they do are really small. Often they are around 1000 sq. ft. and just have 1 bathroom. It's hard to believe that so many people bought such small homes. And not many of them have a second floor either. And then they cost an arm and a leg and a couple of teeth! I'm so glad we don't live in CA! You could get huge places in other states for the same amount of money--or even less!
Boo Hoo! Let me wipe away the tears with my PLASTIC hand!--Lindsey McDonald (Angel)
The thing is this: although they are GROSSLY overpriced now, back in the day they were built these were modestly priced starter homes. The real estate bubble in California has wound up pricing them far, far above their actual intrinsic value.
Eventually, the bubble will burst and the suckers paying these ridiculous prices will be underwater.....just like so many people were after the real estate meltdown of 2008.
Many of the modest houses they renovate were built in the 1950s and probably sold new for around $10k. The prices today for houses like this in California have become absurd.
Eventually, the bubble will burst and the suckers paying these ridiculous prices will be underwater.....just like so many people were after the real estate meltdown of 2008.
I've lived through several California boom/bust housing cycles. Those who survive the bust cycle always end up making money anyway. Even those who survived 2008 ended up making money on their homes. It just takes time.
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