Caught Scamming

Fox 11 online has a report how they were taking money from ppl for a seminar on flipping houses but when the "students" showed up all they got were films and pressure to buy more classes at higher prices. Some ppl called it the classic bait and switch. Please go onto the new site (sorry can't post clickable link) and make of it what you will. It can also be accessed by going onto TMZ.


Sorry folks that supported to be Fox 411


We received an invitation in the US mail to attend these "classes", but we decided it was likely a scam.

Be kinder than necessary. J.M. Barrie


Y'all dodged a bullet according to that article I read. I must say that I was surprised that you got the invitation by post. You must be on some mailing/marketing list and they can be annoying. I think the secret to most of these shows is that they have a good contractor behind the scenes and they do a thorough inspection (despite the shows claims of "oops...look what we just found" as that makes for the entertainment value) and just fix enough to have a few rooms camera worthy. Love HGTV.


I got it too. I got the Scott Yancey-scam vibes from the mailer...decided not to go.


All big time house flippers do this tho.... it's not new....
