Now that I've seen a few episodes, I've noticed several trends.
I have my DVR set up to record every episode so every Monday I see the five episodes HGTV plays though they're not always from the same season. Having now been able to see a good sample of episodes from different seasons, I've noticed several trends and changes.
First off, it seems they've gotten better at this as they go along. S1 had a lot of flops, while the latest season I haven't seen any yet. Either they've gotten better at selecting their targets or at maximizing their renovations. Their profit margins seem to have increased dramatically as they've gone along too.
They've gotten better at doing some of the work themselves. In S1, Tarek was learning from the contractors, while now he has a better idea of what to do and what things will cost.
Any time anything goes wrong, Tarek thinks it's a terrible tragedy or as he puts it "a nightmare." Seriously man, stop being such a drama queen, you guys are consistently making huge profits by this point.
Tarek usually wants to keep things cheap, but Christina usually gets her way. LOL, no surprise there, if I had a pretty wife, she'd probably win more arguments than me too, but at least Christina actually seems to know what she's doing so he seems to have learned to listen to her style decisions.
Their style of buying has changed. S1 they were usually attending auctions, but in a late S1 episode they hadn't been able to purchase a house in a while so they began trying out short sales. Now they tend to concentrate on troubled properties before they go to auction.
And of course, they seem to have profited from this enterprise. In S1 they once were worried that they were putting all their savings into one house and it wasn't anywhere near as expensive as a house they easily purchased in a later season so I guess it's safe to say they've got more cash to work with now. In fact, in later seasons I got the impression that they were flipping more than one house at a time. Good for them.
Overall, it's an interesting show. It definitely teaches you what to look for if you ever want to buy a house, but you have to watch a lot of episodes to really get the idea. Of course the renovation ideas are great too.
I'm so ugly...that's ok 'cause so are you.