I personally thought it was a GREAT comedy film. I laughed my azz off most of the way through it. The producer could not have done a better job in picking out "stars" who would automatically make it an enjoyable watch .... at least if you want some humor involving obviously weird people.
You have one true *beep* who is just simply an *beep* and nothing more. It was enjoyable watching him make an even bigger arse out of himself. It was also neat seeing him evidently think he was funny to himself, but being too stupid to realize that everyone else was laughing at him for ... well .... being so stupid sounding. Then you have another *beep* who is also a cowboy/cop/commando wannabe. It was enjoyable hearing him say he had no friends, yet not having the slightest idea of why that is, when it's so obvious to every other person in the world.
Then you have the two intellectually-challenged guys (although no insult intended, since they can't help how they were born), who never missed a minute making me laugh at being bilingual in Shamanese. They also seemed to enjoy using what little money they seemed to have for feeding canned fish to shadows & dark splotches of weeds.
So in the end, I give it about an 8.5 out of 10, for entertainment purposes. And the acting ability of the 4 main stars of the show get about a 7.5 out of 10. True, they could use a few acting lessons before they head off to Hollywood. But they did pretty well making me laugh at them, even though that probably wasn't their intention.
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