I think this was showing how people responded during the mortgage crisis.
There is an absolute process, you don’t not just get kicked out of your house on a random day. There are notices put on your doors and windows, calls from the bank/lenders, court dates, etc. you have a minimum of 30-90 days in most cases.
I would assume most people are packed and somewhat ready to leave by eviction date, even if they do wait it out until the day of eviction when the sheriffs officers come. Some people even trash their homes, like the home that backed up the sewage tank, making it less likely to be worth anything to the bank. Also, home owners in foreclosure will take things like appliances, AC units, anything at all that will take value away from the house that can come with a person.
Sadly, I saw a lot of this in South Florida in late 2007 early 2008. Every other home was foreclosed on it seemed like, so I think that’s why they focused on Florida in this movie. I lived their briefly, and then moved back to NJ, where it was happening but not as bad or noticeable.