MovieChat Forums > Macbeth (2015) Discussion > Macbeth mumbles & Lady Macbeth puts emph...

Macbeth mumbles & Lady Macbeth puts emphasis on the wrong syllable

How is anyone supposed to enjoy this - its near impossible to understand what Macbeth is saying most of the time! I know the play pretty well and can quote at length from it but even I found the mumbling incredibly offputting. Words are half the fun of Shakespeare and people in this play were delivering the lines in a higgledy-piggledy mishmash sort of way.

I felt bad for MC , who has never been anything short of magnificent till this performance. Her English accent botched her line delivery. It wd have been better to hv let her use her French accent.

Oh, plus the direction was 'off' as well. For example, why wd Lady M ask people to leave the banquet in an angry tone? She's supposed to be covering for M and that just doesn't work if she's shouting those lines in anger. Which reminds me - I hv yet to see the two of them acting as a team, as they do in the play. (Sorry, I'm still watching but it got so boring I came to IMDb). Their partnership was never strong enough to make us care about LM 's death as we do in the play. This is so meh. I'm so disappointed - wow, to hv Fassbender and Cotillard and not showcase their talents is such a waste...

A note to students: Seek out the RSC version with the other Magneto and revel in Ian McKellen's spit-drenched dialogue delivery, supported by Judy Dench's gorgeous LM. Or, if you want an actionpacked modern adaptation check-out the Hindi film Maqbool, where the witches are replaced by people drawing up astrology charts (which really made a lot more sense to a modern audience).


... but students - the RSC version IS exellent but Duncan is woefully wet. yes I know he is supposed to be less than bloody for for the love of Pete he is so iuninspiring as a king!

My 2p. I'll shut up now :-)
