MovieChat Forums > 11.22.63 (2016) Discussion > For non-US viewers...

For non-US viewers...

Is this horribly dull and disappointing?

I can usually get into series about anything, even Japanese military stuff, that I have little to no interest in, simply for character or plot reasons, but it seems to me that to enjoy this, you need to come in with an actual intense curiosity into the whole jfk thing.

I'm a Franco fan, a King fan, a period drama fan, it looks nice, the acting is good, but this series is like a blank slate. Any non-US person agrees? Or US, but not a natural jfk enthusiast?

Clever people will recognize and tolerate nothing but cleverness.


Well I'm from Europe and I loved this show but I think I take more interest in politics and conspiracy theories than most people here. Everybody here knows about JFK though and this show is on TV here as well which should say enough (Netherlands).


Well, I just wished at some point I'd realised that this was going to be more "reflections on politics 60 years ago" than "time travel drama".

By the final episode I didn't know what I was watching anymore, why any of the characters were so desperate to stop the assassination... Why the plan was so uber complicated...

I mean, is it a widely held belief or desire of anyone anywhere to experience the au experience of a world where jfk lived? Among politics enthusiasts, this kind of butterfly effect conspiracy theory is a thing? I wouldn't have thought so before watching this. I'd expect a show like this on history channel after prime time, or that channel with mythbusters.

And the whole shaggy dog ending where Jake is like, "Yeah well... Jfk gotta die after all. Changing the past is bad after all..." It's just thoroughly not for me.

This is honestly the first series or movie that I 100% don't "get".

Clever people will recognize and tolerate nothing but cleverness.


If there is one US president everyone on planet would care about, it is JFK.


I loved this and I'm from Europe. Mostly because the 60s are portrayed so well and if you like the 60s this is a must-watch. Plus it's not all about politics. To be honest, I wished this series would never end. It was a really fun ride.

Feel your heart beat.


What? No! Not at all. I loved the book and have just finished the show today.

I'm from Taiwan (and am always amused when my country randomly appears in King's stories lol) knew about the jfk thing, though not particularly curious. I think some knowledge about the incident helps you get into the story, but it's not necessary. In the end I cared more about the story between Jake and Saddie... Basically crying through the last few pages of the book/last few minutes of the show. I was secretly hoping they'd make a happier ending for the show though *wipes tears*

Annnnd btw the book is so much better still. Can't believe they changed so many things for the show. I hate the Bill in the show. Such a stupid character... though his life was ruined by Jake, but still. Glad I decided to finish the book first.

Ps. also a King fan here :)
