MovieChat Forums > 11.22.63 (2016) Discussion > I cried through the last 10 minutes

I cried through the last 10 minutes

Damn, this ending was so perfect. I loved it. I love stuff that makes me cry like that. This series was one of a kind and this finale was outstanding. So much meaning. Congrats to everyone involved.

- marciel0



You must dislike your life to have so much hate. You should search for goodness in something. That might help. Good luck to you.


Yeah, I was ugly crying over here as well. Sooo emotional! I loved it.


I loved it. Last episode was very true to the book. I would love to see a sequel to what Jake does next. Many plot lines were left hanging....


In the book Jake made many, mini trips as a test and his wait for Kennedy was five years instead of three. Eventually he thinks he has it all "Ground Hog Day'd" until the very end with this scene. Jake understands that his is an ultimately sad love story of two people in love forever just out of sync. When Sadie answers yes he knows he can never try again.

When I read the book my first thought every time he came back was TV series. Lets hope they make a few more seasons because in Jake's original book timeline Sadie has a much much much sadder life. Also Jake is already on the wrong side of 30 when he starts and ages normally while Sadie starts each reset in her early 20s. So he knows he has so many trips.


Yup. Add me to the list of criers.


Yeah, I had to hold back tears. Especially during that final dance.


Ditto..... Even though i knew it was coming from the book. The book made me a little teary eyed also.


I cried too! The ending was so beautiful and perfect. He had to let her go... ?


I teared up too.

< A peaceful place, so it looks from space. A close look reveals the human race. - Grateful Dead >


Glad it wasn't just me!
