A Better Choice...

Don't get me wrong, James Franco is a good actor and all, but I had so hoped before it was cast that Jake would be be played by Michael Shannon. In the book, Jake is very, very tall, about six four, and is also supposed to be sort of witty and always cracking jokes a lot, too, if you've ever seen Shannon in interviews, that is how he seems. I'd really like to see him be the lead and play a good guy who does good things for once, and be in a romance, and all like that there. Wouldn't that have been awesome if he'd played Jake in the adaptation. I know I'd see the heck out of it if he had. Oh, well.


I finished the book this morning, and I just started this series. The first thing I've noticed is that he seems much less intelligent than the main character of the novel. Disappointing a little.
