MovieChat Forums > 11.22.63 (2016) Discussion > How I would have ended it

How I would have ended it

Just my opinion on how I would of ended the series. When Jake goes back to the past at the end of the series, after seeing the world were JFK survived I think when he came back to the present the world should have remained all dystopia. As if he'd messed with the past too much and couldn't reset it back to when JFK was killed. It might have been too depressing ended but it could of set up another season of him trying to correct history. Anyway thats what I thought, overall though I enjoyed the series even if it had flaws. let us know what any of you guys think and how you would have ended the series.


Mine would be...

He returns to dystopia future. Decides to reset. Starts again but decides to live a life with Sadie and not save JFK. They have a child. She drowns in swimming pool. He finds that the yellow card man is himself and he's stuck in a loop the yellow card man was warning him not to begin ?


I thought the yellow card man was his future self also even though they didn't look enough alike.


Very good.


The TV series are currently playing in France.
Mine would be ...
After going back to 11.22.63 jake decides not to save JFK and saves Sadie instead...He then helps her to cross the threshold of time and brings her back with him to the year 2016... " and they lived happily ever after ! " as the expression goes... ha ha !


Ah, Under the Dome .... I love King's books but often hate the endings. UtD was excellent until the silly book ending. I was hoping for a Twilight Zone type ending where you get the sense the whole time the dome is a bad thing, then it ends with a nuclear WW3 and only the are in the dome survives, then disappears when the atmosphere is safe ... kind of like a saving of the species with NO explanation for the dome being there at all. The TV series would have been better had they ended 1 season sooner.

As to 11/22/63, I kept thinking (until 2 things happened: they didn't find the weapon in the garage and LHO set up in the book depository) that through the course of their changes LHO had changed (gone back to bed that morning), Jake had the weapon or it was already set up there and thought LHO was up there, and that Sadie was actually the CIA handler the russian guy mentioned in the car and was setting Franco up to be the new patsy.

Then when LHO WAS up there and Franco got his prints on the rifle, I still thought Sadie was the handler who was going to set him up after LHO died. The "Your the Patsy" written on the wall as they climbed the stairs. Also, once in custody I was expecting that real footage of LHO when he finds out from reporters what he's charged with and the look of surprise on his face (find it on youtube) that it would be Franco ... the surprise reaction being because he thought JFK had beensaved but he didn't - the past pushed back and the "magic bullet" happened.

But whatever, I enjoyed the ending as it was.



Oh I agree about UtD, the book was much better. iirc, jr didn't just kill his gf early on, he killed another girl too, and then there was necrophilia - but obviously they couldn't have that on network tv. Also, there was SO MUCH character content in the book they could never fit it all into the video medium. To be honest I read that book a long time ago so I couldn't remember how much in the show was correct with the book - but there were obvious changes of big events (the mayor) in the show. I thought it was an ok show ... had they ended it at season 2 with them escaping into the light like they did, instead of adding that horrible season 3 where the escape was just a trick. However, I think it would have been better had they done it similar to this mini-series instead of trying to make a seasonal show on it.

As to 11.22.63, I never read that one, so I can't compare the two. I enjoyed the show. Even with some holes in the writing but you kind of have to let those go with all time travel movies. For instance, I thought the diner owner made it very clear in the first show that every time you came back the past reset. He mentions a lot of mistakes he made: relationships don't work, he tried to save a girl from a hunting accident in the woods, etc. Anyway, point being that with the butterfly effect he changed the past, but when he returned it all reset. That implies that if successful in the main mission you could never come back - you would have to stay and live your days in that time - or else everything you did (even completing the mission) would be reset. This seemed like a pretty big plothole to me, but whatever. I liked the mini-series ... not great, but good.

Also, I think I would have been a lot more excited with the show had it gone the conspiracy route instead of the Warren report way. This is a work of fiction so it wouldn't matter which side you lean to historically. Conspiracy fiction is always more exciting.



I thought the ending was clever and perfect.

A continuing TV series would have destroyed it. At some point it would've become repetitive and eventually boring. Also, a continuing series changes the original plot from saving JFK to fixing history which was done in the TV series "Voyagers".



I have been obsessed with 11-22-63 since the Zapruder film came out. Now, after studying it, and with some things that have surfaced after 50 years through the FOIA I do not believe Oswald shot JFK, I think he was just what he said he was before he got snuffed right in the police station....just a patsy. Oh and Dallas was try number 3, after Chicago on 11/2 and Miami on 11/17 I believe.

Now... The way this backfired as quite similar to an episode of the 80s "Twilight Zone" show, where a character from the future went back to stop the hit on JFK.

I guess it makes for better TV.


lisagirl117, I have an undocumented recorded interview done in late '66, with Jack Ruby, on his deathbed in prison, by a reporter for true detective magazine (he was freelance, and interviewed many ppl). in it, Ruby firmly claims that he was extremeley upset about Oswald/JFK, and killed him only becuase of this, there was no other reason. He died shortly thereafter.


Jake is framed for attempting to kill JFK and shot by Jack Ruby in place of LHO. So he did change the past and can't go back to reset it.



When I saw the "Your the patsy" [sic] graffiti I truly believed this was going to be the ending.

