WCTH Movie, inspiration for the Series
I bought and just watched the DVD of the movie that inspired the series and I wanted to share this embarrassingly long expression of my appreciation of both. The movie version of the main characters was in whole very different from the characters of the series. The plot and background story stayed the same.
I like the new Elizabeth and that Edward was replaced by Jack. The Elizabeth of the movie was more pretentious, seemed more influenced to prove her derisive younger sister wrong than she was to face the fearful challenges of the west. I thought Elizabeth of the series had more backbone and determination to face the calling of the wild.
Edward was reserved and seemed almost cynical about his transformation from the reckless, self-centered rich kid to this serious and dutiful man who seemed surprised that he actually liked bringing the bad guys to justice, when he was on his way to becoming one and was enjoying it.
Jack is far more suited to wear the red serge uniform with inspiration and nobility. When Jack tells us it’s his calling, unlike Edward, because of Jack’s family background, I believe it. In the movie, I wanted Edward to prove it and chasing after the bad guys at the end, well didn’t prove anything. For Elizabeth, yes, I understand why she ran after him at the end, because through her, there is a glimpse of the potential honorable Constable.
For the Aunt Elizabeth and Wynn inspiration, well so much was missing. But because of time constraints, their love story and struggle couldn’t be told but only a short, fleeting moment.
I guess I would like closure in the series for Elizabeth and Wynn or Elizabeth finds out what happened to her and Elizabeth is the one family member Aunt Elizabeth gets the chance to revive her connection to her family from back East. Aunt Elizabeth’s choice to completely break ties from her old family for her new one would have been very difficult, but a very clear one. It's not easy as the Love Comes Softly series shows over and over for the women to leave behind the family that filled them with love and taught them endurance. Aunt Elizabeth deserves to reconnect with the family that molded her into the inspirational pioneer for her niece. And for Aunt Elizabeth and her niece (and for us who have watched the movie and understand) it would be closure of the most inspirational variety.
I guess that’s what the movie left me with after having seen S1 of the series.
One last item, I hope that Elizabeth’s father is the same in S2 as in the movie, the towering figure in Elizabeth’s life that instilled the courage and belief in herself to face the danger of the unknown, just as he made a name for himself in his life and provided for his family and town, never losing sight that Providence made all this possible for him. So he understands that his daughter’s desire to seek the unknown and to make a name for herself is God’s highest will for His children, to fill the earth and prosper, not to aspire after material wealth, but to prosper in giving and aspire to love. An earthly father’s true calling.