James Brolin

Last season ended with the judge played by James Brolin coming to Coal Valley. I don't remember how it ended. But wasn't he the judge who was suppose to preside over the hearing about the cave accident? Now 1st show of season 2 had a different actor as judge. Am I mis remembering something? I was looking forward to more of James Brolin on the show! Thanks to any one who can refresh my memory or explain.


There was a throwaway line about a rattlesnake somehow ending up in his room. It's suggested that Gowen was behind it. I don't remember whether they said he died or was just too sick to preside.


Thanks! I'll have to re watch the beginning of season 2 and see if I can catch it. Maybe Brolin had other commitments for 2nd season. But was looking forward to his being a part of this series for awhile anyway.
