Hairstyles + Color

Just so everyone knows: the hair coloring and hairstyles are anachronistic. Women and men in the early 20th century did not have advanced highlighting and coloring techniques. Plus, the hairstyles and hair lengths worn by the female actors are completely wrong for the period. Women wore their hair long and styled, pinned up in order to keep it neat & tidy.


Oh, that's been bugging me! The hair stylist knew nothing about the period styles.
I also noticed the women didn't carry a purse a lot. Yet I saw two women on the street carrying large carpet bags on their shoulder! Little dainty purses were carried, in reality.


I watch Golden Girls on Hallmark and every.single.time I see a commercial for this show, the hairstyles kill me. Women very rarely wore their hair down in public in those days! And they didn't wash and style it the way we do. Pinning it up, then brushing dust and debris out at night before braiding it, was what women did. They weren't running around with highlights and beachy waves.

I literally only came to this board to see if anybody ever brought it up. I'm glad it's not just me!


I could accept the styles, maybe even the colors, but almost every woman on the show has obvious roots. It's absurd. The redhead at the tent city had obvious ashy roots. Why not just color her hair evenly for her one scene? I had a friend who did a Sprite commercial and they colored her hair extensively. For a commercial!

Or did ombre start on the great frontier?


Yes, the poor lady at the tent city had perfect hair and make-up. And Cody the orphan never looked dirty.
