Contemporary signage

In addition to the modern hair and make-up in season 2, I find the contemporary fonts used in the town signs to be very distracting. When the mayor unveiled the water tower with the name of the new town, the first thing I thought was "Oh, that's Lucida Handwriting, a popular font in the late 1990s." All of the signs are perfectly lettered with modern fonts like Copperplate and Circus.

The entire town looks too perfect for a frontier town.


I have started watching this show for the goofs and bad props- not the story line. When the men were in the hotel room, the bedside table was modern, and the chrome lamp looked like it came from Lowe's.


I know! Next thing you know they'll start using fonts like Garamond or Cambria. I'll have to stop watching then.


I noticed the Lucida font, too, and it annoyed me. Glad I'm not the only one.


When the mayor unveiled the water tower with the name of the new town, the first thing I thought was "Oh, that's Lucida Handwriting, a popular font in the late 1990s." All of the signs are perfectly lettered with modern fonts like Copperplate and Circus.

The entire town looks too perfect for a frontier town.

LOL!  I was thinking the exact same thing when I first saw that font for 'Hope Valley' and 'Abigail's Cafe' etc. That it was generally too modern & literally a computer font from the late 1990s etc. (Making me believe the signage was actually CGI at first. lol)

Also too, the revamped town (esp in S2 compared to S1) made it seem like it was a televangelist's (if not Disney-like) version of a 'frontier town' or something. lol smh
