A monumental flop
I mean not the same level as valerian city level, but still bad. It’s at 130 box office on 70 million... damn the studio lost a tonne of cash on this....
Jennifer Lawrence. Box office titanic
I mean not the same level as valerian city level, but still bad. It’s at 130 box office on 70 million... damn the studio lost a tonne of cash on this....
Jennifer Lawrence. Box office titanic
rated higher than I thought it would be.
sharePerhaps it was when she opened her mouth about politics and then said she wouldn't open her mouth about politics because "that would be stupid"
shareNo has nothing to do with it. The movies garbage. And was released around the time of about 5 other decent-mediocre films all fighting for box office
shareIts not a flop but a huge disappointment for Jlaw. I thought it was a great movie until the floppy disk scene.
= Worldwide: $144,948,738
I see.
$145 on a $69 million budget...
... perhaps not as profitable as the studio would have wanted, but “monumental flop” is seriously pushing it. But seeing how you have a strong dislike towards Lawrence, obviously you’re going to enjoy it whenever one of her movies isn’t a smash hit (and you’ll exaggerate its underperformance).
Funny thing, Lawrence is probably a big reason why the film performed ok (FAR from being a true Hollywood failure) even though it had lackluster reviews. So bitter lady, I say go J-Law!
Was clearly too sexually aggressive for a contemporary (nerd culture) audience...
It's final numbers are $151 million worldwide on a $69 million budget, so yes that is a flop. Not a "monumental" flop but still a flop none the less.
shareYou know what I don't get? Why it sometimes seems like there's people circling the box office tally of any given movie like calculator-wielding vultures, ready to pounce on it as being a failure. I'm not saying that's what you're doing here, but just talking out loud here...what is that??
Not 48 hours after its release and some movies have people already hitting the forums, talking excitedly about poor ticket sales, reminding us not to forget the promotional budget when tabulating its overall failure etc.
What is that? Why do people do that? Why do some people seem to be chomping at the bit for movies to fail?
You're just a miserable person who feels a little better about yourself when others fail? You don't agree with the lead actor's politics? Those five minutes of names scrolling by at the end represent a lot of people that put a lot of work into the movie and I'd wager that it often ends up being the case that the actors' contribution was among the least labor intensive.
And people rating movies a "1" just need a shovel to the temple, IMO. Out of all the movies that've been made, a very small percentage of them should get a 1. Especially if it was decent enough to make it to theaters to begin with.