in all the interviews the director and the cast did they kept on going on and on about how Lou's character is a coyote so I literally just looked it up on wikipedia and lo and behold:
Changing Bear story
Coyote wins Changing Bear (Navajo: Asdzání shash nádleehé) as his wife and he uses his magic to make her evil like him. Coyote tricks her into having sexual intercourse with him.[1]
After Changing Bear became evil, Coyote taught Changing Bear the way to use water to divine the location of her brothers. Changing Bear used this ability to find her brothers. In human form, she tells her brothers that she wants to comb their hair and remove their lice like she used to do before she was evil, so they turn their backs to her. Then, she transforms into a she-bear and she kills them.[1]
The moral of this story is to not be like Coyote.[1]
so yeah.