MovieChat Forums > Nightcrawler (2014) Discussion > Encounter with the last gunman

Encounter with the last gunman

So he tricked his employee to go to the car and the gunman kills him. Then he gets out of the car and see Lou.

They made eye contact and somehow the gunman walked away.

Why did he walk away? It was almost like two killers looked at each other and he decided to walk away


I interpret that as being the kind of fate, or luck, that Lou has, somehow always narrowly escaping harm or capture. But then you have to wonder if it will ever run out?

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Take a risk, Take a chance, Make a change. Kelly Clarkson - Breakaway


Even the gunman realized that lou was a crazy sonofabitch




They related to each other eye-to-eye. It's a psycho sense. 

I felt bad for his poor partner. One thing I would've liked to see is more of his partner's scenes as well but that would've created even more sympathy for him during that one scene.


Its called atrocious writing. There was no logical reason for Lou to also not get shot.

I thought very highly of this film until that scene.


The gunman realised that Lou had a camera and no gun and a few seconds later another police car pulled up so he turned his attention to that.


Same is true for Rick but he hot him. Why not shoot the second guy as well?


Because Rick was standing between the guy and getting away. There was no need to shoot our hero because he wasn't interfering with the guy's escape. That's a bullet he may need later.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


He wasn't "Interfering". Both of them were unarmed and filmed him, Rick was just standing a bit closer, but was definately not blocking the way.


> Both of them were unarmed and filmed him, Rick was just standing a bit closer, but was definately not blocking the way.

He kind of was. Lou carefully peeked into the SUV and saw that the guy was alive. He told Rick the guy was dead and Rick went in for the close-up shot, blocking the guy's whole field of view. In his daze, the guy felt that Rick was blocking his escape.

Or, it could have been that the guy simply didn't know who the person was that just jumped out in front of him and he shot it in case it was a cop. When he exited the vehicle, he realized that the videographers were no serious threat and didn't shoot Lou. Instead, he ran.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


The driver was most likely dazzled by the light on Rick's camera, add that to the likely concussion he was suffering and he probably thought it was a cop's flashlight peeking in.


He heard police sirens coming as soon as he saw him, so he started to hightail it.



Probably because the criminal was admiring the guts of Lou. I went to a really bad school and some huge gangbangers thugs would staRe me down and when they saw I wasn't scared at all even when they had a gun they gave me the same glance the shooter did and walked away.
