Rick and Morty share the same universe as Gravity Falls
In the Gravity Falls episode 'Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons' Ford had an infinity sided die, which he said was outlawed in 99 different dimensions. In the ending clip from the Rick and Morty episode 'Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind' we see Rick going into his room and tossing a bunch of sphere looking objects into a box that looked much alike the infinity sided die. He had an odd number of them, but there should be an even amount of them so you can have two of each set. That most likely means that Ford could've either taken or been given one. Also, in Gravity Falls, the portal only went to one dimension, which means he's been to another nighty-nine to learn about them.share
But, he would've needed something else to get there, which means that he was either: friends with Rick so he gave his portal gun to Ford to borrow, he stole it from Rick to use, or he has his own portal gun that uses the same chemical formula as Ricks (most likely, the infinity sided die) Otherwise, he would've had no easier way of getting from dimension to dimension.
In the Gravity Falls episode 'Society of the Blind Eye' the pen, notebook and mug that Stan was holding went into the portal; and the very same things were seen coming out of a portal that Rick opens along with another six in the Rick and Morty episode 'Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind' which implys that the portal leads to the Rick and Morty universe. Plus, in the Gravity Falls episode 'Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls' Bill Cipher mentions that the dimension beyond the portal was totally flat. That could mean the Rick and Morty universe in Bill's eyes is flat. That could technically imply he's breaking the fourth wall considering 2D animations are flat and Rick and Morty is 2D.