

This is your idea of a love story? A whore who's married, then dumped, by the dysfunctional son of a wealthy family? Okay...


Yeah, where did OP even see love?


I'm guessing OP is referring to the Simp Igor (side character) who fell in love with Anora in the last 20 minutes of the movie. This movie is society's way of saying that men should just put up with western women with huge body counts, entitled behavior, aggressive, loud mouth, and general narcissistic toxicity. Anora is a film to trick men into thinking it's normal to be a schmuck pushover loser who happily takes on women who are spoiled rotten STD ridden filth.


I never thought Igor fell in love with Anora, more that he feels sorry for her.


You are aware that the amount of men with the kind of money most young girls are looking for is less than 0.01% of the population?
165 million men in the US, roughly 1/3 either too young or too old to have sex leaves about 100 million, where 0.01% of them would be 10,000 men.
165 million women in the US, roughly 20 million of them in their 20s, 90% of them looking for a rich man gives 18 million.
Even if all the 10,000 rich men had a one night stand with a different girl in her 20s every single day of their lives for a 10 year period until the girls turn 30, that would be a total of
10,000 men x 3650 days = 36,500,000
Divided by 18,000,000 girls gives an average body count of TWO per girl and given the fact there are girls with a triple digit body count that must mean there are 100s of 1000s of girls in their 20s waiting for a rich prince they never meet, not even for a one night stand, who turn 30 still a virgin. Care to explain where those should have gotten an STD?

You're falling for the opposite end of the propaganda of the rich.
While they are suggesting to the girls they should wait for their rich prince, they are at the same time suggesting to average men it wouldn't be worth looking for a girlfriend, where neither of that is anywhere near true.

True is, if you pick a girl in her 20s while you're not rich, there's a pretty high chance she'll dump you for another man with more money, therefore the solution is, pick a girl above 30, one of the 100s of 1000s with a very low body count, one who had to realize there was no rich prince to marry her, one that the men with more money do not want anymore and get happy with her.
I've done that, we've had our 20th wedding anniversary last week.


The average age an American girl loses her virginity is around 17 years old. So ya figure she bangs another person at least once a year after that until 30. That's at least 13 dudes! Couple that with dating apps like Tinder and these 304s are getting laid almost every weekend! Let's low ball it at once a quarter, so that's 4x a year she hooks up. That puts a 30 year old woman having a body count of 52 different men! STD city! So, yeah you're fooling yourself if you think she didn't ride the cock carousel before you came along. The men she banged weren't "rich princes", they were just Chad and Tyrone.
