I reviewed it.......
My review is on my blog, I'll post the first bit here; I would really appreciate feedback guys! :) I really liked this one!
"Stranger By The Lake" is a meditative observation of loose, impersonal sex (yes I realize that is a gross oxymoron) and contemporary loneliness and depression. The film is more relevant now than ever. Most relationships people have now are depthless and formal, not to mention self-serving.
There is also the beautiful idea, best expressed by Henri, that a relationship can take many different forms, beyond classification (bound with the correct notion that sexuality cannot be categorized.) As Henri says matter-of-factly, "You don't have to *beep* someone to sleep with them."
Rest at http://screenplayisles.blogspot.ca/2014/05/film-review-stranger-by-lak e-2013.html
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