MovieChat Forums > L'inconnu du lac (2013) Discussion > Henri: Got what he was looking for? (Spo...

Henri: Got what he was looking for? (Spoiler)

Henri says to Franck that he got was he was looking for. So, what was he actually looking for? Death wish/release? Tryst with Michel? Signs that Franck was genuinely concerned/cared for him? All of the above? None of the above? Thanks for your thoughts!


The way I got it, Henri suspected Michel was the murderer. He could also see that Franck, blinded by his infatuation, was too weak to let Michel go (or report him). Having grown so fond of Franck, Henri then decided to push him in the right direction by openly confronting Michel. He knew exactly what was coming, but he apparently didn't put much value in his own life (depression/break-up/general indifference) & was glad to give it up for his new found friend.


My take is that he was suicidal, but because he was afraid to suffer (as he says before dying) he couldn't do it himself. So he confronted Michel, correctly assuming that he would kill him. A kind of suicide by proxy.


This is how I saw it too.

Henri would go to that spot to kill himself, but he could not do it and would chicken out every day, especially after falling for Frank. He found out that Michel was a killer so he confronted Michel to push Michel into killing him.


My take is that he was suicidal, but because he was afraid to suffer (as he says before dying) he couldn't do it himself. So he confronted Michel, correctly assuming that he would kill him. A kind of suicide by proxy.

