MovieChat Forums > L'inconnu du lac (2013) Discussion > Is There Any Profanity in This Film and ...

Is There Any Profanity in This Film and if so, How Much?

Can't seem to find a MMPA rating. We would like to show this film to our congregation's youth study group on foreign culture. As Methodists we understand modern cinema often employs some saucy street language. We can accept the occasional F or S bomb in a film but not every seven seconds like in a Tarantino movie.

"He killed sixteen Czechoslovakians. Guy was an interior decorator."


You're joking, right?
There are no profane words in the English translation of the film (not sure about in the original French). However, most of the actors are completely nude 95% of the film, and there are several explicit scenes showing sex.


Profanity will be a problem for you only if close-ups of ejaculation and penetration are no big deal. This post wins Funniest Troll of the IMDB Week only if it's not serious. If it's serious, you may not only lose your "youth group" leadership, but find yourself facing some sort of civil if not criminal action from parents.

I'm actually hoping you're a troll, and, if so, well-played.



You better believe I'm serious. If you're in America and show this film to minors, "criminal action" may be the least of your worries. It's "nasty" to extend the courtesy of a warning to a ridiculously naive poster about the potential consequences of showing a sexually graphic film to minors? Whatever, buddy. Happy trolling. At least you were funny.



"Criminal Action" for showing a foreign movie?

Ah, ok. Obviously trolling.


I'm still laughing hilary! Great response.


No profanity, but loads of...uncircumcised Frenchmen. What more could one ask?

I never realized that Methodists were such a wild (and funny) bunch. The "youth study group" was a nice touch, but the only "foreign culture" you'll find in this film is hiding inside a foreskin.


OP post is a joke and a moderately funny one.


Awesome. I am so tired of seeing "Is there any sex/nudity in this?" posts on boards for slasher flicks with decapitations and disembowelments. This is the opposite of that.

"Yeah, I don't mind the characters making lassos out of small intestine, but a female nipple or male genitalia would be a deal breaker."

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


A perfect film for your Methodist youth study group. Highly recommended.


this thread reminds me of the "should I watch this with my Mum/aunt/grandmother/etc"

