MovieChat Forums > Pitch Perfect 2 (2015) Discussion > 10 thigs we learned from PP2?

10 thigs we learned from PP2?

1.Sir Mix-a-lot was knighted by queen.
2.DSM's lead singer does not speak Loser languague
3.Bella girls don't know where Copenhagen is.
4.A capella community hates Originals .
5.A capella podcast are misogynist.
6.John mayer never dated Tina turner.
7.Some students take 7 years to graduate.
8.Lots of A capella men are sexually confused.
9.Camping means voluntarily living like dogs.
10.Always watch out for Bear traps.




Becca and Cloey = Blowey


11. In all american movies all other nations are just stereotypes. Mexican girl has bad background, germans are perfect straight face machines wearing see through shirts, canadians wear the canadian flags as shirts, and so on.
It's like the rest of the world would think all americans wear cowboy hats and date their cousins. Actually, everybody does think that, nevermind.


The point of the movie is to make fun of people who have those stereotypes.


Is it?




Lol! Well done!


12. Anna Kendrick is potentially bi.


13. That America will never win the world championships cause the rest of the world hates them, but have no issue singing US songs or referencing American history (DMS final flag raising performance)


14. Everyone loves a good Blowey.
15. der kommissar, Germany, and German a capella groups will make you jump x2.
16. Interning at a record label with a producer that doesn't respect you or care about you is more important than supporting your best friends in a close group that you lead.
17. Multi-lingual/cultural singers will inevitably sing an American rock song at an international championship - except Koreans, because nobody likes them.


18. An illegal in the US is somehow able to travel to Denmark legally.


19. Wide-open lakes have perfect acoustics for Cyndi Lauper serenades.
20. Previous character development teaching one of the mains that it's bad to turn your aca-leadership into a dictatorship will be completely forgotten in the sequel - in fact, the relapse into fürher-behaviour will be celebrated.
21. Performing an original song is absolutely unacceptable and both juries and connaisseurs will look down on you for doing so, unless you do it in the finals and break even more rules by adding about fifty people to the performance.
22. Once the male lead has been bagged by the female lead, it's totally okay to marginalize him into shouting a few one-liners and ignoring the obvious talents he had in the original.
23. Mysogyny, discrimination and even racism are hi-la-ri-ous as long as you make sure to label these as 'stereotyping'.
24. If you're a lovely, self-confident, easy-going and inviting red-head in the original you'll obviously turn into a obsessed, single-minded tyrant with no plans for the future when the sequel shows up.
25. You don't have skills as an actress? You're hated for being on a well-known hospital series? You've shown zero suitability for directing? Not to worry! Hollywood will easily grant you the opportuninty to mess up the sequel to a well-loved musical comedy.


19. Wide-open lakes have perfect acoustics for Cyndi Lauper serenades.

No, no, no, no, NO!!!

The song was "We Belong" and it was a Pat Benatar song!
Sorry, I'm an '80s baby, I couldn't let it slide...


Thanks I was about to say something.


7.Some students take 7 years to graduate.

Yeah - they're called doctors.

How did it take nearly a year and a half for someone to make the Tommy Boy reference?
