MovieChat Forums > Janet Planet (2024) Discussion > James Berardinelli review - ** out of **...

James Berardinelli review - ** out of ****

Janet Planet explores the mother/daughter relationship between single mom Janet (Julianne Nicholson) and her strong-willed, socially awkward child, 11-year old Lacy (Zoe Ziegler). Although characterized by strong performances across-the-board, the film moves at a glacial pace with little happening during the course of the nearly two-hour running time and the central relationship failing to develop in a compelling fashion.

Events (such as they are) unfold during the summer of 1991 at a cabin in the New England woods where Janet and Lacy live. When we first encounter the duo, Lacy is manipulating her mother to bring her home from an overnight camp where she’s not having a good time. (“I’m going to kill myself if you don’t come get me.”) During the course of the film, three outside figures enter and exit their orbit. First is Wayne (Will Patton), Janet’s grumpy boyfriend who seems more like a creepy leech than a partner. Then there’s Regina (Sophie Okonedo), an old friend of Janet’s in need of a place to stay after breaking up with a boyfriend. Finally, along comes Avi (Elias Koteas), Regina’s ex, with his hippie notions of love and religion.

Janet Planet is emotionally inert, with writer/director Annie Baker’s straightforward style keeping viewers at arm’s-length from the characters. Her approach encourages observation but not engagement. The interaction between Janet and Lacy, which comprises the core of the proceedings, showcases a co-dependent affair that rarely feels warm or vital. There occasional breakthroughs – moments that escape the artifice that suffuses too much of the movie – but Baker fails to sustain them. Janet Planet has the episodic trajectory of a road trip although no one is traveling anywhere (movement and momentum being foreign to Baker’s vision). Characters come and go with little lasting impact on Janet and her daughter or their static relationship. One might be tempted to call this a coming-of-age story except that the characters are in the same place at minute 110 as they are at minute 1.

Most of the film’s problems relate to the writing with its threadbare plot and contrived dialogue rather than other aspects of the production. This a beautifully shot motion picture that makes ample use of the setting to suggest two characters who are geographically and emotionally isolated. The acting, especially by leads Julianne Nicholson and Zoey Zielger, is strong. Those two inhabit their characters fully even though they are underserved by the screenplay. There are times when a degree of artistic pretentiousness comes into play. Some conversations devolve into uninteresting philosophical debates and there’s a bizarre sequence involving a “play” that is equal parts cringeworthy and tedious. (I’m uncertain whether Baker buys into this as genuine art or is being satirical – her intent is unclear.)

The setting evokes a simpler, pre-Internet/pre-cellphone era but it seems earlier than the explicitly stated date of 1991. Perhaps it’s the rural location but the vibe is more strongly late-1970s or early 1980s. Regardless (the actual date isn’t germane), Baker does a good job rolling back the clock to a time when toaster ovens were still in common use, microwave ovens were bigger and didn’t have rotating trays, and children had to find distractions other than playing with an iPad.

The presence of veteran character actor Elias Koteas recalls the early films of Canadian director Atom Egoyan (the two collaborated three times during the 1990s and early 2000s), whose deliberate and unhurried style was not dissimilar to the one employed by Baker. Egoyan, however, achieved a level of emotional immediacy and character intimacy that eludes Baker. Although a Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, her transition from the stage to screen (in this, her feature debut) is an uncertain one, emphasizing the differences between the two mediums. I can see aspects of Janet Planet that might work better in front of a live audience better than in a movie theater. Considering the plaudits being lavished on the film, I found it to be a singularly disappointing experience. Although not without its merits, it’s far from a standout even when one considers how lackluster the current indie/art house landscape has become.


Your comments were written in a very clear and concise manner..I appreciate the articulate descriptions of the film. I agree Baker kept us at arms length from the characters... unfortunately , for me, if I cannot connect with the characters or its story, especially if it does not evolve, it then becomes a tedious experience. The actors were superb. The story and plot fell flat for me, when it couldve been quite the masterpiece had the film taken on momentum and gave us the insights without the detachment.
Very accurate for you to describe that minute 110 stood in the same place as minute one.


Characters come and go with little lasting impact on Janet and her daughter or their static relationship. One might be tempted to call this a coming-of-age story except that the characters are in the same place at minute 110 as they are at minute 1.

By the end of the story there's definitely been a lasting impact on both Janet and her daughter ... and their relationship has also EVOLVED to another different level ... which is illustrated by the way she buys the medication for her daughter that she doesn't believe in taking. And her daughter also takes it even though she's aware of the way that her mother feels about taking it. Plus Lacey also gets on the school bus this time, whereas she didn't enter it before and stays home instead.

Here's a quote from another REVIEW that sums up the way the story ends:

mother and daughter—one grinning on the dance floor, the other watching quietly from the sidelines—seem strangely, and perhaps permanently, out of alignment. It’s a gifted filmmaker who can draw blood with a single cut, and turn the distance between two souls into a chasm.

Thanks to the observation of the Regina character, Janet's become aware of her bad choice in men (which is why she rejects having a relationship with AVI). And that awareness also enables Lacy to become less dependent upon her mother with whom she's having a codependent relationship (which is illustrated by Lacey's choice to take the meds that her mother doesn't approve of ... and to get on the school bus and proceed to live her life without being as clingy as she was before).

And yes she's still sitting there watching her mother dancing at the end, but at that point Janet's also learned a lesson (illustrated by her rejection of AVI), and is much less likely to move one of her dance partners in with her this time.

In other words, progress has been made with both Janet and Lacey becoming more independent and less codependent, which also means they're NOT in the same place where they began at the start of the story.


"In other words, progress has been made with both Janet and Lacey becoming more independent and less codependent, which also means they're NOT in the same place where they began at the start of the story."

Good point. Lacey does take the medication. SHe unfortunately is left to her own devices with it , which incidentally I thought it was a poor decision on Janets part to let an 11 year old make this decision. But in fact, Lacey does take it, of her own accord. This could mean she is exerting some independence.

But janet , as the film concludes, is joyously dancing with multiple male partners. Will this lead to anything - we simply don't know. However we do know, due to Janets rejection of Avi, she has made some progress. Unless of course this entire scene was a daydream as you previously suggested.

To chime in on what I think would happen, and again its only an opinion, I think Janet will get involved with a new man. There may be a bit of hesitation on her part - but there isn't enough evidence to suggest she is a supremely changed woman.

If anyone out there reads this, you should check out "Janet Planet" and chime in. What do you think will become of Janet???? And LAcey.....


"Unless of course this entire scene was a daydream as you previously suggested."

Still another thought that came to mind was the possibility that Janet was having a MEMORY of what happened with AVI. But after checking the scene to see if she was wearing the same clothing or not (which could indicate the situation took place at 2 different times, since she was wearing the same clothes, that also didn't seem very plausible. But of course there's also the other possibility that she could have worn the same clothing on 2 different occasions.

But since we saw where REGINA disappeared to (as she walks along the road on what looked like her taking a SMOKING BREAK from her job), most likely there's also another reasonable explanation for how AVI vanished as well???

But I also like the other IDEA that an ANGEL APPEARS to bring Lacy's PUPPETS alive (like in the POEM Avi was reading) and then POOFED or EVAPORATED him away for her so that she no longer had to worry anymore about him moving in with her MOTHER the way WAYNE did.



"Still another thought that came to mind was the possibility that Janet was having a MEMORY of what happened with AVI. But after checking the scene to see if she was wearing the same clothing or not (which could indicate the situation took place at 2 different times, since she was wearing the same clothes, that also didn't seem very plausible. But of course there's also the other possibility that she could have worn the same clothing on 2 different occasions. "

I concur, it's still daylight, Janet is wearing the same clothes. It is more reasonable to believe the situation took place at one time, in one place.

"But since we saw where REGINA disappeared to (as she walks along the road on what looked like her taking a SMOKING BREAK from her job), most likely there's also another reasonable explanation for how AVI vanished as well??? "

Regina is shown in her own world - walking back and forth on a lonely road. My guess would be she was contemplating it was time to leave Janet's home - and how she was going to do it. It appears her answer was to not show up because she sent someone else to gather her belongings at Janet's home. WHich makes sense to me because Regina is not a confrontational type of person. She decides, I have to leave, how can I leave as peacefully as possible. SImple - don't even show up.

"But I also like the other IDEA that an ANGEL APPEARS to bring Lacy's PUPPETS alive (like in the POEM Avi was reading) and then POOFED or EVAPORATED him away for her so that she no longer had to worry anymore about him moving in with her MOTHER the way WAYNE did. "

Eehh, maybe so. A bit too hocus pocus for my taste. But again, LOL, you could be right. Maybe this is the correct explanation of the events.

Hey does anyone else out there want to chime in???? JOI2049 and I need more viewpoints......
