I don't mean to sound crass, but is it just me or do they seem larger than usual in this show? I would assume that it's just an addition character. But it's weird how if that's the case, why bother with something so subtle?
Yes. The producers wanted both her and Jesse Plemons to be a bit plump for the role because it seemed to fit the type of couple that they wanted them to be.
Plemons had already gained weight for a movie role he had just got done filming, so he just kept that weight on, but Dunst needed to gain weight.
I saw Dunst on one of the late night talk shows about the time that season 2 aired, and it looked as if she lost all of that weight (back to how she usually looked) sometime between the end of filming and the time that the season premiered.
I lost 56 pounds and got in great shape by cutting back on junk food and increasing aerobic exercise. It didn't cost me a penny. In fact, I saved some money on food.
I mean does anybody not remember her big moment in Spider Man? She's a slim woman with pretty big boobs to begin with.
I didn't think she'd looked like she'd gained any weight at all in Fargo, she wore a lot of tight pants. I actually thought the costuming was meant to diminish her appearance and her bustline, it only seemed kind of prominent in the last couple of episodes.
Overall I thought she was more or less normal for a woman in her early 30s.