Too good a cast for this

seriously. Colin Firth as the 007 character? SLJ as the Bond villain?, Mark Strong as "Q" , and only Sir Michael bleedin' Caine as "M"! (going back to his Harry Palmer roots of where he might be in present day), there's even Luke Skywalker in a cameo! all was missing was Sean Connery or Roger Moore turning up as an 'un-named ex secret agent'

Too high calibre for a silly comic book version of Bond meets XMen with council estate yobs and crude an*l sex gags and disgusting ultra violence..

Loose the crude humour, ridiculous over the top violence, have Firth train up a more 'young Bond' type and wed be ok..


ive never seen anyone hit a target in the bullseye and miss at the exact same time. its an homage/subversion of silly bond/spy movies. the cast fits perfectly. the old timers handing off to the next generation. if not it would have just been some boring generic spy film that tried to play it safe and did exactly the same as the old ones. from the the generations these actor's were from and ended up stale, predictable and trying too hard to be serious
