Opportunity missed?

Who else thinks a scene where Colin and Taron go into the tailors just when Daniel Craig is leaving with an "excuse me" as he walks past them would've be fantastic? Cheesy but great.


Yeah, pretty sure Columbia Pictures and the Broccoli family would have initiated a big old lawsuit against Fox Films and Daniel Craig for that one.


Doesn't sound like the kind of thing they'd do. Ha ha.


Only if they have it in Craig's contract that he can't appear in a cameo or as reference Bond in any way.

Of course, he had a cameo in The Force Awakens, but maybe since we didn't see his face it was ok? He was the guard who Rey got to unlock her and drop his blaster.


Believe me; Craig's recognizable presence in a movie with that many Bond references would initiate a suit. Especially from the Broccoli’s, who have sued for a lot less.



I don't know Hollywierd laws and it seems incredibly stupid.
