Good idea...terrible execution

This movie was a great idea with great music in the background. Everything was good and powerful up until after the attempted drowning scene. From there it got more and more goofy and cartoonist. The villains were silly (the woman with the blade feet was a dumb idea). The fact that they had a female training with the men to become a kingsman kind of made the whole kingsman idea less noble in my opinion (sorry to upset feminists). Colin Forth and the lead young guy were awesome. Rosie was gorgeous but she shouldn't have been training. I was hoping she would hook up with the lead instead of that ugly Norwegian slut. The ending was disgusting and the nudity was unnecessary. Having said that, a lot of people are exaggerating what was seen. You DO NOT get a porno look at her vagina. Instead you see a shaded something between her legs but can't tell what you are seeing. Thanks goodness.


Auto correct messed me up. Meant to say Roxie, not Rosie and cartoonish not cartoonist.


Perhaps you should also add Colin Firth to that list.


It is definitely a terrible movie.


I respectfully disagree, gentlemen. I thought it was quite brilliant.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


I respectfully disagree, gentlemen. I thought it was quite brilliant.

Brilliant? Maybe if you like lame "gags".


This thread is terrible.

The movie is great.

Never trust a black man named "Chip."
