Agree with the 'villain?' Does that make you an a**hole?
Personally, I found myself agreeing with the "villain" of the movie. He made some extremely valid points regarding humanity, and the human overpopulation problem which exists (and is only getting exponentially worse). I’m not part of one of the Abrahamic cults (Judaism / Christianity / Islam) so I haven’t been programmed with an anthropocentric mindset – I don’t think that humans are better or more deserving than the other life we share this planet with. On the contrary – other animals aren’t responsible for this mass extinction event we find ourselves in (only 5 in our planet’s entire history) / other animals don’t commit genocide / other animals don’t take part in deforestation, poisoning rivers & oceans, overfishing & overhunting / other animals don’t commit barbaric & savage acts in the name of profit or religion. Other animals don’t consume grossly beyond their needs. Other animals don’t try to rationalize selfish & sadistic behavior of their own species. I could go on and on, but I’ll stop here..
Maybe the human herd SHOULD be culled. Though his method may have not been the most humane (ironic word, isn’t it) approach. If this sort of person actually existed, perhaps instead of killing off currently-living humans, which is a bit cruel, he could have just sterilized them and effectively killed off future generations, solving the problem a few decades later.
At this point, that actually seems like the ethical action to take. At this rate, in a few centuries, humans will single-handedly destroy this planet’s biodiversity & natural landscapes (millions of years in the making). I think the problem is the hoards of small-minded humans, who are brainwashed to believe in their delusional divine superiority – brainwashed to believe they should "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth..." This is an archaic, outdated, and dangerous manner of thinking. It’s a shame that our level of consciousness hasn’t expanded as rapidly as our level of intelligence/knowledge.
What do you think? Did the "villain" have the right vision – just implemented in the wrong way? Could his goal be achieved in a less painful / cruel / barbaric fashion?