Hoping for consistency

I hope this as funny as the last two films. However, this can only be achieved by another complete change of cast, hope fully to a set of actors even more wooden than last time. The source material is hilarious, so they should have no problems with the script. I think this is the one when all the douchebag millionaires cry and go on strike because America is ruled by evil communists so there should be plenty of laughs in that. About a third of the film will probably be John Galt spouting a poorly written speech on how only one percent of humanity deserves any money, but given this production company's current record an actor with no gravitas whatsoever will be delivering it, so it will be extremely amusin, rather than just plain irritating. If done right, it could be the funniest film of 2014.


There are far worse movies than AS1 and AS2. Battlefield Earth comes to mind.

Once upon a time, we had a love affair with fire.


Since they made the second film fully aware of the losses, I can only assume they locked in the cast from the second film to make the inevitable third installment.

Or maybe they'll go with the theme of changing actors for every film. That would tie into the first DVD that includes thousands of people stating "I am John Galt", insinuating that each one of us is John Galt...or Hank Reardon.. or Dagny Taggart...a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, a princess, and a criminal. Does that answer your question? Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club.

My #3 key is broken so I'm putting one here so I can cut & paste with it.


Love the BC reference.

Once upon a time, we had a love affair with fire.


I just got done watching the second one. Yeah, they changed actors. It's unfortunate that the original actors weren't able to come back to reprise their roles. If we had Millionaires and billionaires Like the two main characters, then maybe our OWN country wouldn't be in such a mess. Capitalism does work, as long as everyone plays by the rules. The Movie is ok, I just hate that it's taking 3 movies to play this out.



The next problem is not evicting from the game, those who don't play by the rules.

"De gustibus non disputandum est"


I am looking forward to Part 3. While I can appreciate frustration with the need to tell this story over three films, I really don't know how the book could be reflected with reasonable fidelity in a single 2 hour film. And, while continuity of characters across the three films might be impressive, in some ways, the cast turn-over allows for the focus to be on the story, and the message.

As for the 'hilarious' comment, it reminds me of a number of movie scenes where a character, often some addelpated, intellectually impoverished nitwit, laughs nervously at something of significance that they completely fail to understand. But, it is OK to laugh. We appear to be living Atlas Shrugged in the US right now, and it is probably easier if you are benignly oblivious and just laugh.


Think what Mr. 3-parter Peter Jackson could have done with this.



WOW missed the point of the film or what

"Nee ta ma duh tyen-shia suo-yo duh run doh gai si"


No, I'm pretty sure I got it. I just didn't much care for it.


Really? You "don't much care for" the principle that you, and everyone else, should be free to be responsible and accountable for yourself, and therefore free to reap the benefits of your own intelligence and/or labor. You rather be beholden and enslaved by corrupt political bureaucrats?


and so it begins ..........................



an entirely new cast would obligatory in part 3

i am also hoping they split part three in to two or more parts, with different casts obviously.

technically the final part would need to be very long to include galt's speech. part 3 part 2 could be the speech.


Uh... I don't think that would work. the speech is more in the middle of part III. So if you split it in half, you would probably have to split Galt's speech. Now there's nothing wrong with that, artistically. I mean why not just fade to black in the middle of a speech and splash "to be continued" on the screen?

Or if they really want to be bold and daring, they can stop in mid-speech and go to intermission. But that's pretty risky.

"De gustibus non disputandum est"


@sticksstoneswwiv part 3 part 2 could be the speech.
I'd watch Atlas Shrugged part 3 part 2 just to see the title onscreen.


Funny film? I think your funny and a silly lost person. I feel sorry for you.


I feel sorry for you as well.


You are clearly unfamiliar with the source material. Or if you have read it, you don't seem to understand it.
