Saw the first 2, loved them.

Saw the first 2 and was incredibly surprised. I thought very well done, and considering this was written 50 years ago I find it to be very applicable to today. Listening to some in the movie it very well could be Cas Sunstein or Obama. I am hoping the third installment finishes the novel the way it deserves.

Can't wait !!!


i could not agree with you more. given the quality of the first two episodes, i'm confident that the third will finish the trilogy in the way it deserves!


Rand grew up in communist Russia. She understood how such people (Obongo, Sunstein, etc.) think, act and operate!


You don't watch a lot of movies do you?


The first one was good. The second one was a major let-down.


Enjoyed both movies. The fearfulness of the left is personified by the negative comments throughout these threads. Even critics like Ebert surrendered their credibility to attack Rands ideas and dismiss the movies without insight or objective thought.

I have no doubt the third film will receive the same treatment from the leftists that this movie/book so aptly exposes. Go see it and make up your own mind.
