The market has spoken..Atlas Shrugged (b)lows-part 3 after two failures?
WHat would Ayn Rand think? Should failure be rewarded?
shareWHat would Ayn Rand think? Should failure be rewarded?
shareIf Rand were alive to think anything at all she'd be thinking that she'd write and produce the film herself and it would be a slow, plodding diatribe of her beliefs. At least these films have had some entertainment value.
Rand has never demonstrated any aptitude with regards to editing herself.
Ayn Rand would say that free people have the right to produce whatever films they wish. If you don't like it, you can forgo the movie ticket and go buy Sandra Fluke some birth control.
shareAyn Rand was on government assistance in her old age too.
shareShe also was an atheist and into group (s) ex and for some reason conservatives love her.
shareBecause conservatives are feeble minded contrarians.
shareBecause conservatives are feeble minded contrarians.
Most likely spoken by a leftist.
Because conservatives are feeble minded contrarians.
Actually Liberals are feeble minded. That is why they cling to a political ideology that has proven itself time and time again to be a failure.
Next time yer Grandpa cashes his social security check remind yourself about liberalisms failures.
Minimum wage, civil rights, and Medicare are some more liberal failures.
Face it life is better for the average guy because of liberalism.......rand followers don't care if you up and die.....nice philosophy.....every man for himself........count me out for that.
@fdog9 And she was pro-choice. Conservatives seem to forget that one.
shareWait what? Social security is government assistance? I thought it was from money paid in by us into Al Gore's lock box? You mean it is a Ponzi scheme after all?
Rand believed in freedom. She didn't believe it guaranteed success. In fact in Atlas Shrugged the "market" of the voters opted for government power. Galt and the rest essentially had to flee to safe haven. The majority of people in Shrugged never bought into Galt's ideas. You could say the "market" spoke, but failure was the result. They didn't get what they wanted.
To judge success or failure of an idea based on whether the majority thinks it is good or not is profoundly opposite of what Rand was advocating.