It was set in present day America. There were no blacks, Asians, Hispanics, gays or even white women! How were thesegeniuses going to reproduce?!! In the last scene when they said that were going to pick up Eddie Willers, I expected John Galt to tell them that Eddie wasn't allowed to be there.
Not only have I seen all 3 installments, but I also read the book several years ago. I do understand what Ayn Rand is saying. I just wish that they could have had more ethnic diversity in their casting.
They're generally content to bask in each other's greatness, and when they do get horny it's pretty much rape-rape-rape. Plus children are the ultimate moochers and takers, which is why they're generally absent from all of Rand's stuff.
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Plus children are the ultimate moochers and takers, which is why they're generally absent from all of Rand's stuff.
That IS a particular gaping hole in her fiction. But I also would find it redundant to hear parents giving the same anti-looting messages to their children that Rand repeats toward the adults, pages upon pages at a time.
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I don't recall any children in her books. There are a couple of children in this movie. Their mother says she home schools them because she "doesn't want them to be in a school where they're not taught to think", but of course, at that point, she must be referring to the schools *in Galt's Gulch*. It's one of the many, many head scratching moments in the movie.
But of course, children *are* a central problem to the whole thing. We know from the Taggart family that the children of supermen don't always grow up to be supermen themselves. What happens if the children of the first generation don't measure up to their parents' expectations - or, Rand forbid - simply *disagree* with them? Are they left to starve in the streets? (*that's* a pleasant utopia), or are the exiled from the valley? If they're exiled, how is their silence insured? Probably, they're simply euthanized as inferior.
I think, at the very core of leaving children out of the book is that no child in the world has the patience to listen to a twelve-page speech without their eyes glazing over as visions of dancing vegetables overtake their thought processes.
there are a few kids in the gulch, growing up right'n'proper. but with almost the entire population composed of hyper-successful single men accomplishing great accomplishments, who has time for children? the little moochers!