Anyone else support Capitalism but not like this movie/s?
I give them some leeway since I know they were working with a budget but even still this writing was horrible. I mean like that scene at the end with the security guard "I'm just a regular guy, I can't make decisions for myself", I mean, come on now. Plus showing guys like Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity really kills a films cred, those two guys are far from accurate examples of Capitalists.
These films never really did much to drive home the reasons why Capitalism is better than Socialism. They would just show the world crumbling and say "it's cuz of govt" but they never really showed how govt hampers creativity or the way in which people get enticed by the all the pretty promises of Socialism, they show govt getting cruel, but again it was just like "the govt got cruel", they never detail the slow incremental way people seize power by playing on people's notions of compassion and fairness.
I also rolled my eyes at how they portrayed all the business owners as so squeaky clean, give me a break. I agree with allowing people to be "greedy" and "selfish" but let's not try and pretend the corporate world is so noble or heroic, don't forget one of the big problems with Socialism is it allows for big company's to buy influence and advantage over competitors and they have no shame cheating if the opportunity presents itself.
Capitalists are vultures, I say that term nicely, I am a Capitalist and a vulture, most of us are, few of us go to work or start a business for the good of mankind, we do it for selfish reasons, much the same as a vulture eats a dead carcass, they are only thinking of themselves but their "greed" keeps our world from being overwhelmed with bacteria and disease, that is a point they never really drive home, Socialists focus so much on intention rather than results.
Finally, I thought these movies spent waaaay to much time on irrelevant stuff, for example in each movie they felt they had to shoe horn in some lame romance and even sex scenes - why? You have limited funds and time yet you waste it on stuff like that?