I wanted to.. I really did..
but I just don't get it.
Some alien thing lands, terraforms the planet, lets one bloke out, sort of, kills everyone else, then dies at the hand of the woman who made it to the source, only for it to end up being her, now together with the bloke who made it out, which happens to have been her husband who buggered off a year ago to go into the thing on a whim, after she slagged around a bit with some dude with big lips and a shonky brittish accent?
I dunno about you but when I find my missus is screwing someone else, I don't off myself into psychedelic hurricanes. It's vodka storms for me.
I wanted to like this... instead it's 7pm and now I have to hunt a real movie to ease this Sunday night.
Natalie, the side boob was nice, sweetheart.. but a body double next time, please..